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    Emulate the Sociopaths when dealing with women

    The master/slave morality has helped me clear up my thinking quite a bit as of lately and something occured to me. Sociopaths/bpd act from the master morality. They lie, manipulate, and do whatever is in their interest without regard for the emotions of those around them. I repeat-...
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    This is what f*cks up kids

    Probably training the boys for the injustice that is divorce/marriage in the US.
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    LIES... LIES... LIES she tells them

    You should rename this thrread to: Reasons to get a paternity test 100% of the time.
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    She cheated...

    Then the only positive solution is to be a far above average. If you're lazy- then date below average women.
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    Don't let women arbiter your happiness

    Nice guys try to please women because their happiness is dependent on women. Their attempts to please women they are really attempts to make themselves happy- women are the judges and distrubtors of happiness for them. It is impossible to please a woman. Fulfill a demand and it is only a...
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    do men lose interest in sex as they grow older?

    Viagra was developed as a blood pressure medication; its only after they discovered the "side effect" of the pill giving a guy wood that the decision was made to market it as an erectile dysfunction pill.
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    FIGHTCLUB MOVIE: 11 Lessons

    Second Post
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    FIGHTCLUB MOVIE: 11 Lessons

    Found these posts on another board.
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    Girlfriend Cried And Left After Sex!!!

    Woman lie and manipulate constantly- its second nature to them. The vast majority have no sense of honor or integrity. Its no more wrong to lie to a woman then it is to steal from a thief.
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    Why did a woman jump into a polar bear enclosure?!

    I don't know how long I can bear these bad puns. Anyway, I saw the goofy look on her face in one of the pictures- with a sort of stupid smily come hither look- and my conclusion is that she was probably a stupid hippy who thought she was safe because the animal would sense her inner peace...
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    Friend of 10 years turns into Fukk Buddy

    Nice job, once again your "never burn any bridges" philosophy is bearing fruit Str8up. :D
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    Wierdest "game" video I've ever seen

    Found this on another website labeled as "Game in a nutshell". Much different then anything I've EVER seen. Also apparently done by Chuck Jones.
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    Fukk Buddies and the Value of Sex

    Anal? Just get her really drunk. Chicks will do anything for you if they have a high interest level and they're drunk. Hell chicks with a high enough IL will do anything for you sober- the trick is getting, and maintaining, the IL at that level. This might be hard for alot of guys to...
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    Video Lesson 1: Two and a Half men- DJ/Platespinning/Alpha-Beta Clip

    I've decided, to help out the guys here, to make a teaching tool out of any interesting video clips I find on the internet. This clip from two and a half men that's an excellent teaching clip for the guys here. In addition to being funny...
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    I love a woman with BPd

    Heh. I remember the "hoover" stage with my bpd ex. She couldn't handle the non-chalant see you later I don't care you're a ***** get lost I'm dumping you type breakup- every time I did it she would hoover and try to get back into the relationship- I think the inability to manipulate and...
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    Is the curse of a Don Juan being alone?

    The point of spinning plates, for the guys who are not yet DJs, is two-fold. 1. To develop the prize mentality and to reprogram themselves so that they're no longer afflicted with the baggage that comes with so many years of being an AFC/beta. In short- to help you become a "worthy" man who...
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    Bartender girls "Come see me at work!"

    If you know them well enough to get free drinks and use them as social profo- then go, its worth your time. If you don't then tell them you're busy at that time whenever they want you to see them at work.
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    No sex? There's the door honey.

    The hardest thing that anyone here had to accept was that we've been lied to since childhood. Everything that we've been taught that is "bad" for a man to do (be a jerk, date/sleep with multiple women, make her jealous, look out for our own interests first, listen to our thoughts and...
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    There are some nasty, c0ckblocking cvnts out there....

    Would you accept such behavior in any other social setting? If you have a pair of balls- then no, you wouldn't. The only reason you accept *****y behavior in clubs/bars is because you've been acclimated into thinking that its normal and acceptable behavior for women in those circumstances; if...
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    Former DJ... now recovering to be a DJ again!

    Congradualtions. Its men like you that make the world what it is. Your determination and persistence are an example for all of us.