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  1. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    I think this "Law of jinx" is the law of attraction, its not the opposite. I believe in the law of attraction too. i know people close to me who go from misfortune to misfortune, mainly health related. It almost makes you believe that someone put a curse on them. But this is nothing more than...
  2. N

    Is America heading toward the trash heap of history?

    If its true that history repeats itself, and that all great empires in history eventually collapsed, then this will also be America's faith. Unless America is the exception to thousands of years of history? So this is the real question, are we subject to the law of historic repetition or are...
  3. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    Their civilization collapsed just like every other great civilization. The Egyptians, Romans, they all collapsed. This doesnt mean they weren't great at some point. This is true. I will try to find another explanation of why the Sun and Earth are becoming increasing more active. But I think...
  4. N

    Failed my driving test today

    LOL @ your failure
  5. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    Gold is never 100% pure, this doesnt mean you should throw all of it away. There are many outside-the-box thinkers out there whose ideas have helped me attain powerful realizations. Many of these people have crazy ideas such as the existance of the Illuminati, and things like that, which I...
  6. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    The highlighted points I agree with, and they show why I'm convinced we're moving towards a matriarch society.
  7. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    I concluded this from all the stories about people in perilous situations who suddenly have super-human strength. They lift cars, giant boulders and so on to rescue trapped family members/friends/whatever. This strength never comes from thinking it comes from reacting. If you thought whether you...
  8. N

    TYLER is in it for the money !!!

    Obviously, he's not Ghandi or Mother Theresa. He dedicates his whole life to this, he has to feed himself and has to make money. And obviously you dont want to become a mini Tyler clone, or any PUA's clone. But you DO need to learn what it takes to be successful, and judging by the popularity of...
  9. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    Love to hear what you have to say. This is the first time I share these theories so I wanna hear other people's perspectives about them.
  10. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    I think we worship the Moon also. The days of full moon energize the Earth. Ifr you've ever worked in a hospital or law you will realize criminal activity increases significantly on full moon days. If you ever feel unexplicably energetic look up at the sky, odds are theres a full moon. Im...
  11. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    I left one. - There's no right or wrong. Everything is neutral. If a hand pulls the trigger of a gun and shoots a bullet, piercing another human's heart and ending his life. Is this act good or bad? the answer is it depends on the factors the mind attributes to that act. Was the shoorter a...
  12. N

    Crazy theories you believe in

    I have some theories which, as crazy as they sound, I've come to believe in. Most of them are based on the beliefs of ancient civilizations and on random realizations. -I believe the Earth goes through “sleeping” and “awake” periods that last about 5000 years each (this is from Mayan...
  13. N

    All economic systems end, including capitalism

    Before capitalism there was no such thing as businesses, people back then used a system of bartering. and ebfore bartering I'm sure people got around just fine. otherwise we wouldnt be here.
  14. N

    All economic systems end, including capitalism

    Myself living the first decade of my life in Peru I have witnessed what it is putting your wife and underage kids to work just to pay for food and housing, forget clothing.
  15. N

    How to expand your social circle?

    Well when they've formed the circle just tell them to take a few steps back. That way the circle gets bigger.
  16. N

    Good financial books I should be reading?

    The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.
  17. N

    All economic systems end, including capitalism

    I dont think pure capitalism really ever existed.
  18. N

    What the hell does this mean!?

    Mods, please close and ban.
  19. N

    Does anyone else find pubs/clubs really boring?

    Only boring people get bored.
  20. N

    We give girls 2 strikes, sometimes 3, and they give us 1 strike

    Guys need it more than girls do, they have abundance, so we gotta put up with more bs.