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  1. P

    ***Official Late Night with (.)(.) Interview Thread***

    Most likely wallowing in his ignorance.
  2. P

    Girl asks "how I feel about her"

    Just because you don’t agree with them doesn't make them liars. Whenever people do fact checks on what is being said, it is the conservatives that tend to be the least honest and by a wide margin. Religious people tend to be the worse at presenting falsehoods as fact. This might be due to the...
  3. P

    Some interesting words from Warren Buffet's Interview

    Actually it is a matter of class. The reality of the situation is that wealthier people tend to have been born into wealth. For instance, Bill Gates’ father was a multimillionaire lawyer. Warren Buffet’s father was a stock broker and a US congressman. As such, they grew up in a social setting...
  4. P

    can you be a drug addict and an Alpha Male at the same time?

    A lot depends on the crowd; if drug use is Alpha or not. Or more pointedly, in some crowds women would readily reject you if they knew you used drugs, in other crowds, drug use is almost mandatory to get women. I’m an artist and many of the people I work with professionally use drugs and...
  5. P

    What Really Goes On In Women's Minds When They See Muscular Men?

    I don’t think there are very many strippers who do it out of desperation. Most actually enjoy taking their clothes off in front of a bunch of strange men and playing with their libidos. It’s been said that strippers are being taken advantage of but it is the strippers who walk away with the...
  6. P

    Should I go Raw in her?? Condoms suck

    I don’t think most women like condoms any more than most men. I’ve been with women who seem to look upon an ejaculation as a prize of sorts. That is, even if they are having orgasms, they aren’t satisfied until the guy shoots his load. With these girls the condoms prevent them from getting...
  7. P


    The desire is instinctive but it takes trial and error to make it work well. It seems to me that the greatest skill needed for approaching, talking to, and flirting with women is in reading them on the fly. You don’t get that skill until you’ve had a lot of interactions with women. Thus...
  8. P


    That isn’t it. The point is that there were differences between the two groups, one of which I felt comfortable in because I was simular to them and the other group where I felt out of place. What I’m trying to do here is to show that the process that led someone like Stagger Lee to be so...
  9. P

    Should I go Raw in her?? Condoms suck

    I tried pulling out once. We had pulled over to the side of the road on a way to a party for a quickie. Got it all over her dress. The rest of the night she just kept complaining to me about how she was sure everyone could see and smell it on her dress - even though we had cleaned it with...
  10. P

    Is a man spinning plates a "scammer"?

    I've never noticed this. Actually I think the opposite is true.
  11. P


    Exactly Really? I mean really? I’m taking it that you missed out on a whole lot of social development. Actually you’re only seeing it from a narrow point of view. Males aren’t all disadvantaged. Females want males as much as males want females. For every guy that you complain is disadvantaged...
  12. P

    The Great Irony of the SMV theory

    Part of the problem that seems to be missed in the discussion is that picking up chicks, especially past 30 isn’t very effective, even for really attractive guys. It seems to me that I got as many women in my 40’s as I did in my 20’s and it’s not that I don’t still attract women in their 20’s...
  13. P


    The thinking that led to me writing the OP originated when I ran into a woman (who here I’ll call Valerie) who I knew when we were kids. In tenth grade I had a girlfriend who was one of the more popular, if not the most popular, girl(s) in school. Valerie was one of her close friends and...
  14. P

    What's the real reason why women today are chasing after bad boys?

    I’ve had women call me a “bad boy” or the somewhat equivalent, “man child”. It seems to me that such thinking, on the part of the women, comes from a sense of comfort and security and at the same time wanting to take care of you. Sometimes a woman just wants to be a bad girl. Apparently it...
  15. P

    What's the real reason why women today are chasing after bad boys?

    I’ve never mated unselectively. To mate unselectively implies that men will pretty much have sex with anything with a vagina, or at least a suitable hole. Not me - ever! That is beta thinking. I like to say that I’m after the queen, why would I go for her maid? It is said that women do the...
  16. P

    What's the real reason why women today are chasing after bad boys?

    Just a few thoughts on this whole alpha male warrior thing and alpha vs. beta in general. It seems to me that throughout my life that I have repeatedly cultivated friendships/partnerships with guys who were the stereotypical alpha warrior type - tall, tough guy who seemed to easily take...
  17. P


    A lot of what determines one’s interpersonal relationships, especially with members of the opposite sex, has a lot to do with how one has been socialized. I first noticed this by noticing that fat chicks tended to have certain behaviors and attitudes that are strikingly different from thin...
  18. P

    Confession of a's not worth it

    I am so glad I am reading this. I have been telling guys for a long time that I get hot women by acting like one of them. What you, PlayHer Man, wrote is a point that I’ve wanted to make yet never quite articulated. I subtly flirt with most women and many that take the bait I tend to string...
  19. P

    Was I played? or she is confused about me?

    Quite possibly you aren’t the only one she treats this way. There is a woman who I’ve been having a hit and run relationship with for about a decade. She has always had a collection of men who she calls her “dogs”. She’ll be real friendly with them, even give them hugs and caress them –...
  20. P

    what do women want?

    Women like a man who knows when to be a gentleman and when not to be a gentleman.