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  1. Greasy Pig

    What I've Learned About How To Get Women

    "I don't like your hair", or variants on that theme worked wonders in my clubbing days. Some women went nuclear crazy but most of them tried to qualify themselves which allowed me to then game them into the sack. A simple neg but effective. Good post.
  2. Greasy Pig

    What are some signs your gf might be into someone else

    Such a dramatic shift in general behaviour should be a huge red flag. Start planning an exit strategy.
  3. Greasy Pig

    Blowing My Mind In Good Way

    Stories like this warm the heart. But to be a wet blanket, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my four LTRs started this way and they all turned into ball cutting cvnts after about a year. Sorry LL, I'm just jaded because, like you - and especially with my current LTR - I thought I'd finally found the woman I'd...
  4. Greasy Pig

    Alpha text sent when she tried to break up....

    Yep, good response to nuke the hamster. I'm going to use it!
  5. Greasy Pig

    EPIC POST BATTLE between MRAs and Feminists.

    That's some depressing shyt, Mr Tits. Thanks for sharing. How can a nation - especially one with such a proud nationalistic history - allow itself to become what it is now?
  6. Greasy Pig

    Guys are shi**y too

    My good female friend has some horror dating stories. From the guy who wet the bed - and left the next morning before she woke up, to the guy who disrobed and showed her he had a butt plug in situ. That's the sort of weird behaviour that jades women too.
  7. Greasy Pig

    40 - single/celibate for two years - no confidence - what now?

    Read the DJ Bible right now, before you do anything else. You have to develop a prize mentality. Meaning, train yourself to act like you're the prize. It worked for me. I became a pretty arrogant, aloof arsehole but I also fvcked a lot more women than before I found SS. But to think of yourself...
  8. Greasy Pig

    The Oxford Debate...

    Britain and Canada are home to the most ridiculous impediments to free speech on the planet. Followed closely by Australia unfortunately where it is illegal to offend someone. Britain is also the home of a comedian who was arrested because part of his routine was to make fun of Asians in a bad...
  9. Greasy Pig

    Advice on texting.

    She's made it pretty clear she doesn't want to engage you. Simply replying with "cool", is all the evidence you need that you need to seriously improve your game and flirtation techniques or just kick her the kerb.
  10. Greasy Pig

    Has anyone actually gone out with the intention to get laid and actually got laid

    I've done it dozens of times but not until I became schooled in DJ methods. I realised I had to go out and have the best night possible and if I got laid, it was a bonus. Me and my main wingman would go out every Saturday night and have a blast. We'd do shots, stand there with are arms around...
  11. Greasy Pig

    Woman Cheats on BF, Calls Him and LIES About It (A Real-Life Story)

    Great story Harry. Unfortunately, I'm not shocked. Like many bros here, I've been the "other guy" with married, engaged and coupled women. The lies they told their other halves were outrageous and I shudder to think how these chicks went home and kissed them with their mouths that had only...
  12. Greasy Pig

    Lay Report: Italian 7 (daytime)

    Great story. No front, no cvnt.
  13. Greasy Pig

    UK: Women Should Not Be Sent to Prison Scheme

    This is fvcking frightening. The bigger problem is that anyone who speaks out can immediately be called sexist and the debate is shut down. Unbelievable.
  14. Greasy Pig


    Doesn't sound like a bad tactic, leaving it up to her. Her conscience will decide for her. Maybe throw in the old "how would you feel if I wanted to go to a bar without you?" In saying that, I don't think it's fair to expect her to sit around at home all day and night instead of socialising with...
  15. Greasy Pig

    The Mature DJ's first LTR

    Good on you for making the hard call OP. You know in your heart of hearts that she wasn't being honest and would continue to eat away at your brain. If she had any morals, she would've just told the guy to fvck off rather than go to dinner and then ask the next day for a meet-up. Well done sir.
  16. Greasy Pig

    Execution Errors/Analysis Requested

    Wow OP, thanks for your blunt honesty. That was a brutal read. If anything, you'll learn from this experience and screen hard the next time. Weed out the pump n dumps and the ones worth keeping around, don't tolerate bad behaviour for one minute and always listen to your gut. Onward and upward now!
  17. Greasy Pig

    Dilemma: would you stop a guy if you saw him abusing a woman?

    I've intervened verbally three times. Twice the chiçks started abusing me and told me to mind my own business. The other time, this big Croatian dude just stared at me and said: "She's only a fvcking woman" and walked off. I'd be reluctant to get involved physically though.
  18. Greasy Pig

    How often should i date her?

    I've posted this a few times in response to such questions. If you just want to keep her as FWB for as long as possible, follow my 10 rules. 1. I saw them twice a week at most. 2. I didn't contact them between meetings and curtailed any attempts by them to initiate contact with me. Sometimes...
  19. Greasy Pig

    My 1000th Post + A Special Treat For All Of You

    Good shyt Harry. Keep up the good work mate!
  20. Greasy Pig

    facebook pick up started off well got digits, lost her talking about brazilian

    You did well to secure the number but just when you needed a bit of finesse to set the hook, you jerked too hard on the line and snapped it. This was a perfect chance to set up a date and then go ghost. That would've got her hamster spinning and hopefully built up some good tension. At least you...