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  1. L

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    The only thing that "the PUA" (which encompasses many thousands of people) is promoting is a set of tactics to pickup women. Pickup deals with how to pickup women and nothing more. I'm reading lots and lots of straw man arguments here. I've never read Mystery, Neil Straus or Tyler tell...
  2. L

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    You seem to be missing the salient point. The point is that the responsibility itself is not getting the girl's panties wet. A lot of guys were led to believe that being a nice responsible guy, having a steady job etc. will get you the adoration of lots of women. The truth is that these things...
  3. L

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    First off, no one is saying "word choice" matters. In fact it's often emphasized that how you say your words is more important. That being said, the majority of people here aren't claiming that a broke, balding, obese lardball is going to be fvcking Kate Upton any time soon. But there a...
  4. L

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    I never claimed it was. I agree, this is why the Almighty "Natural" is worshiped so much. I do think that a lot of PUA material is quite useful for picking up girls in bars and clubs via cold approach which is exactly what it is intended to do. Just to be clear "PUA material" doesn't...
  5. L

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    I believe that attraction is a combination of looks, status, wealth, Game and some other factors (e.g. cultural/religious/ethnic background). You seem to think that Game doesn't have much effect on the outcome. I'm curious, Stagger, roughly what percentage of attraction would you say is...
  6. L

    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    This thread is all I need to know that the only thing bleeding would be your sand-filled vagina. Running my mouth? I never said anything that you didn't. You just threw a hissy fit when I called it like it is. But I'm sure you've made a great choice. A broke, 37 year old lardball who...
  7. L

    I don't get PUA's

    If you had bothered to read the thread and do a quick search, you'd know that Ms Potato has a history here. You also forget that I left open the possibility that "he" is a career masturbator. Some of the gem statements "he" has made: -The best way to pickup as a guy is to do what women do...
  8. L

    I don't get PUA's

    Aww, what's the matter Boilermaker? Are you still butthurt because no one ever offered you a joint?
  9. L

    I don't get PUA's

    Well, by the looks of things you're apparently a woman. The solipsism in your post definitely seems to hint that you lack a y chromosome. Wow. Really insightful stuff there: work out, dress well, have good posture, read, be sociable. Thanks for that one, captain obvious. Let's just close these...
  10. L

    What to say when you get explicitly friendzoned?

    I respectfully disagree with some of you folks. Female communication tends to be covert. So attempting to overtly reason with her isn't going to help your cause. The OP was already out on a date with this girl. She stated that she "only wanted to be friends" and yet came out on the date anyway...
  11. L

    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    If it's silence that people want, all that needs to be done is to quit posting. The reason people keep "piling on" the OP is because he keeps on posting. If he's going to make posts, he's going to get responses. That's how these forums tend to work. Obviously, he's free to make his own...
  12. L

    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    I would say everything I typed here to your face. Nothing I said was even an insult, I'm just calling it like I see it and you're getting upset like a little girl. If you were looking for validation, maybe you should have posted on AskWomen. Given the way you are lashing out at everyone, it's...
  13. L

    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    This thread has been one massive exercise in male hamstering. First this broad was 80 lbs overweight ("fat b*tch") and obviously not very attractive as evidenced by the OP's admitted lack of sexual interest. But after she leaves the OP with practically nothing (a grown man without his own...
  14. L

    What to say when you get explicitly friendzoned?

    I agree 100% about not investing too much time, energy or money on any girl. In this scenario, the guy was already out anyway and he had nothing to lose. Just go for the kiss close or make out. If she's receptive, great. If not, you'll know for sure that this one's a write-off and you can move...
  15. L

    What % of people hookup in clubs & bars?

    The reason most guys don't go home with girls is because the vast majority of them don't do approaches. They stand there and talk to their friends. Then even if they do approaches, they eject way too early. In my experience, 5-10% of approaches result in eventual lays (usually not that night...
  16. L

    What to say when you get explicitly friendzoned?

    As Greasy Pig said, by "stuff going on" she probably means other dudes. But the fact that she agreed to meet you means that she's at least considering other options. In this particular context "let's just be friends" is almost certainly a sh*t test. Why else would she meet a guy off of an online...
  17. L

    Personality is mostly "looks"

    There is a small minority of men who are so good looking that looks alone can carry the day. But for most of us, looks are only good enough to make the first cut i.e gain initial interest. If a girl is standing there and talking to you and you are approaching her in the context of a...
  18. L

    Does Roosh relised he missed the prime

    Meh, I'm not convinced. How old is Roosh, in his 30s? One can still land plenty of tail at that age. I would have been skeptical in the past but I personally know a lot of guys in their late 30s and early 40s banging 20 somethings. I do agree that at a certain age, wrinkles begin to show and...
  19. L

    Does Roosh relised he missed the prime

    I think you're reading too much into the post. The basic thesis of it is to have sex to meet your needs, not to impress other people and/or feed your ego. That has nothing to do with finding a committed relationship or desiring a "quality woman."
  20. L

    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    Thank you, I'm honored! I'd like to thank my friends and of course, Jesus. If you came to me with your story I'd tell you exactly what I typed here. It looks like I hit a nerve, which means you probably see some truth in what I've said. What were you expecting, for people to validate your...