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  1. D

    The advantage

    Ofcourse we have an advantage, and I hope you keep this website to YOURSELFS.
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    Recently broke up girl

    Heed DJDAMAGE's advice, he knows what he is talking about.
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    ur favorite way to start a conversation

    Dude, buying a drink for a girl is being a wuss. Try getting the girl to BUY YOU the drink!!!
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    changing from AFC to alpha/leader.

    ya im currently doin a bootcamp and i find it harder to say hi to hot girls, so what im trying to do is think of them as just average girls and then give myself a punishment eg. no food for 12 hours IF i dont greet the hot girls. You should try it, I got other wayz of approaching hot girls...
  5. D

    Some advice...New Girl

    Continue to build up more rapport and then if I were you Id take her to the movies and do the "Don_Joffe movie tactic" if you want a copy of it, just ask. BUt i fear you have made too many mistakes to get her now.
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    My view on rejection (a must read)

    Why would it be different? Explain... Rejection is Rejection, both wayz are learning experiences.
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    David DeAngelo's stuff is crap

    Buying of flowers is gesture and a good way to getting her interest level up, thats all.
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    Stop Being Timid!

    All I did was suggest another approach instead of the trophy thing become the prize.
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    Girls who hang out with ALOT of guys..?

    lol, ive dated plenty jewish girls, damn they fine. what you on about? and wats weird is they dont even look jewish. To answer the question of the thread: A girl that hangs out with alot of guys is an attention *****.
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    citing sources....

    I dont take MUCH insight into the doctors and stuff advice, i tend to think more of the DON JUAN tips and advice. DOCTOR LOVES AND STUFF are too AFC for me, any1 agree?
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    Girl has a change of heart

    Once you miss your chance, you wont get it back. Those who hesitate are lost.
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    ur favorite way to start a conversation

    Why bother with the drink? and RISK wasting your money wen u can use DON JUAN methods to get the girl.
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    Girls who make guys wait for sex

    Ive never known any girl that doesnt like kino, even the simple massage from someone they enjoy.
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    Looking for „The Holy Grail”

    For those who are bad-looking: Can you change your looks? No. Can you earn a million dollars in a few days? No, unless you win the lottery. Can you go out, try to get yourself together and work on changing yourself? Yes. OFCOURSE you can change your looks, the little things, like if you...
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    changing from AFC to alpha/leader.

    I have a few q for you 1. Can you approach anyone? 2. Can you approach any girl? 3. Whats your body language and posture like? Describe it..
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    skinnydart: are u in favour of it or you not? I didnt follow that post...
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    Some advice...New Girl

    ALWAYS ALWAYS get the girl to tell YOU that she likes YOU first before you tell her.
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    So you got the contact info, how do you deal with "what next?"

    When I get a girls number I will 1. Wait a few days 2. Phone her or sms her 3. Ask her on a date
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    Default Situations with Females and How to Deal with Them

    Very good post, keep up the work.
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    Are you Good-Looking???

    Those hotornot things are so fake its not funny. I saw this ****ing ugly dude who got 7/10. SHOCKING. LOL. Anyone want to give me their email address, Ill show YOU who is HOT:> eheh:>