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  1. P

    An Odd Ex Girlfriend.

    I have a girl that constantly tries to stay in my life. She is an EX of mine that left me in the past because I was a jerk. What I dont understand is why she constantly tries to get a hold of me even when I change my number? She has a boyfriend so I dont understand the need to talk to me. Any...
  2. P

    College guys share you experience w girls so far this semester.

    I been in for about a week now and I got a cuties number that happens to work at Hooters. So I would say so far so good.
  3. P

    What is Her deal?

    Thanks for the advice Horaholic, now in pertaining to the other posts this girl defenitley wants to hangout. Thats what I was confused on I didnt know what exact approach to take.
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    What is Her deal?

    This Girl left me because I started acting really needy and desperate. I think the new me is freaking her out as I told her I wouldnt get back with her again. i would tend to agree but my question is how to deal with this?
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    What is Her deal?

    I had oneitis for a certain girl months ago after she said she needed space. I ended cutting contact and hadnt talked to her in months. She often Private called during the period and after 3 months I decided to respond back to a text being I was now talking to other woman. Now since I have...
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    The "Just Got Dumped" GUIDE

    I found this guide to late.
  7. P

    WTH?? Girls Getting Clingy.

    Yeah I guess I need to make things straight forward from the start.
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    Ex's In General Private Calling.

    Out of every 5 Calls, Ill answer maybe one. I just dont understand why people do this? I did change my number and she still got it, I have made no effort to speak to her for more than 2 months, Maybe shes hoping ill contact her or something.
  9. P

    Ex's In General Private Calling.

    Why do Girls insist on private calling even when a relationship is absolutely done?? Whats even more perplexing is when the girl wanted the relationship to be over and yet months later is still private Calling. Analysis, opinions, and experiences would be greatly appreciated.
  10. P

    WTH?? Girls Getting Clingy.

    The last two women I have talked to have gotten extremely clingy. After just a week both girls want a relationship and are calling me baby and all this stuff. How can I avoid this?? Im not into getting a relationship right now, any advice on how to work with this kind of situation?
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    Is it Possible...

  12. P

    Is it Possible...

    So than heres the Million Dollar question, How can I hang around her and not get thrown into the friends category in two years?
  13. P

    Is it Possible...

    So basically if your close enough to a younger girl, can you basically recruit? Kind of like when a top college goes after a young prospect trying to peak interest. I know it sounds a little funny, but it seems like it could work.
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    dj bible says wait 4 days to call, will she still remember you though?

    Ok I get the 1-3 days part, but do you set up a date right off the first conversation?
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    Is it Possible...

  16. P

    Ex problem

    Any updates on this??
  17. P

    Is it Possible...

    Shes Only Sixteen right now, But im sure we will have more encounters in the future.