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  1. W

    Taking 6 Mth Break From Women

    Why are you so caught up on the black community and black women and what they think? I seriously don't get it. It looks like self loathing to be honest. I'm a black man, I'm not a liberal ( I don't consider myself a conservative either, I'm pro-me first). I've been where you are. But I...
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    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    Just popped in to give an update. I stopped blaming other people for my problems. I've made peace with my family, we've been through a lot lately and we are closer than ever. I had to apologize for a lot of crappy behavior on my end. The thing I said here were unfair and spoken out of anger...
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    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    Yah. So off base. But okay. It did not help at all. If you've been through what I've been through you might see where i'm coming from. You obviously haven't. What you don't understand is, I don't love them for who they are. Who they are isn't all that lovable. I guess you can't understand...
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    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    November has been a hard month in Monk Mode. Freelance work has been slow. I went to jail over a legal issue. And I'm broke until well after Christmas. I've had 2 days with no electricity and I've had a lot of time to think about things. I'm angry. I've been angry for years and I've...
  5. W

    I figured you guys would like this post.
  6. W

    Being single is bothering me more than ever.

    The only thing stopping you obviously is you. You obviously have a decent job, and as long as you aren't Quasimodo you can find friends and women. You are just having a fvcking pity party. Enjoy it. Then make a plan to fix your sh1t and get it fixed. Nobody is coming to save you son. You'll...
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    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    1 month cigarette free.
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    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    1 month cigarette free.
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    Being aloof is working magic.

    There are no unicorns son. You should be old enough to hear this. Also the toothfairy and santa aren't real and your mother had sex more than the one time it took to conceive you. Grow up. AWALT.
  10. W

    Being aloof is working magic.

    As the old white ladies say here south. Oh honey, bless your heart. AKA Look as this Fvcking Idiot. Are you kidding me? Read what you just wrote. Then read it again. Then read it one more time. Then pretend someone else here wrote it and tell me what you and most people would tell that...
  11. W

    Where are you meeting women now and what kind of woman are you going after?

    They say be the change you want to see in the world. I'm asking the questions I would like to see on this board. Where are you meeting women now and what kind of woman are you going after?
  12. W

    What would YOU do?

    Would Lex Luthor, Dr. Doom, or Hans Gruber check her account? Of course they would, then if she failed them, they would dispose of her as a lesson in ruthlessness. Zero fvcks given. I mean since we are indulging in fatansy. In the real world, heroes don't get a guaranteed win. But being...
  13. W

    Dancing when life is rock bottom

    Is it possible to be objective and calm when your about to hit a really bad spot in life? From my experience, you normally don't get fair warning that a bad spot is coming or how bad it is going to be. If I would have known that I was going to lose my job, nearly go to jail for child support...
  14. W

    Getting Frame Back

    You need to do a lot of reading. Relationship Game More Relationship game : Frame :
  15. W

    Kindness as a character trait, being alpha and maintaining frame

    Kindness? Oh you mean the thing that people keep thinking is weakness. I developed that trait as a christian beta boy. Now those traits are reserved for my daughter and puppies. Occasionally make an appearance for adults but with much bytching, moaning and anger to cover the kindness.
  16. W

    Starting Up a Business: Customer Base or the Business First?

    Have you sold anything? Test the market first. There is no point building all of this and sinking money into if there is no market willing to buy. I'm about to test a product. If I make a few sales, I'll keep developing it. If it doesn't sell, I may do a little more research and try again...
  17. W

    Monk Mode in the Hinterland

    I made it through my first week as a non-smoker. I'm down another pound on this weeks weigh in. This weeks goal is to continue to be a non-smoker, start cardio, earn some quick money, practice dominate body language and eye contact and finish my details on my product launch. I've already...
  18. W

    Women no longer make me happy

    Replies in bold. I see no reason for commitment at my present stage of life. Commitment is for the raising of healthy well adjusted offspring only. Think on the purpose of marriage through out the ages. It was a trade to ensure progeny, secure bloodlines, get rid of useless daughters, foster...
  19. W

    Should Have Saw It Coming

    Been there man. You're just slowly catching up to reality. You've been asleep and are having a hard time waking up. You are going to have to force yourself to wake up and get some perspective and see it all for what it really is before some other girl comes along and lulls you back to sleep and...
  20. W

    Women often seem better friends to each other that men with other men?

    Yup. I was in a lot of different scenes and I was really good friends with guys in those scenes but when I moved on, very few kept in touch. I still touch bases with them every now and then to keep those contacts alive. But the whole brunch and checking on each other and girly friendship...