The only way to gain frame control over ANYBODY is to have something they want and only give it to them on your terms, not theirs.
It's not about right or wrong or logic.
Just eject mentally whenever you're around her. Never, ever argue. When she says something you KNOW is wrong, just say, "yea, maybe you're right" and then fade the topic.
Whenever she wants you to do something, your attitude should be:
"yea, I understand you want me to do that, and I'm doing this."
Never explain. Don't ignore her. Listen to her, validate her, and then do your own thing, in your own house.
Like she's ONLY capable of offering you her opinion, but NEVER capable of influencing yours.
Find hobbies that you can enjoy, especially when she's around.
Your attitude should be, "You're my wife, I love you, I respect you AND I am completely happy with or without you. Your choice. I can go either way."
In order to gain the frame, YOU MUST LEAD, and SHE MUST FOLLOW.
the ONLY thing in your control is whether you lead or not.
Whether or not she'll follow is another story. Not likely since no matter WHAT she does, she's guaranteed half your cash.
Start stashing some cash for a divorce. And get ready, as it's likely coming.
But make HER the one to bring it up.
Just understand for this to work, you're in for a LOOOOOOONG con.