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  1. I

    Phone Tips (What to do if she doesn't answer)

    I don't know...personally I think you're making too big of a deal about this phone stuff. The way I deal with it is simple. If it's urgent, I'll leave her a voicemail. If it can wait, I'll just hang up and try again in a couple hours. That's how I deal with everybody on the phone. Most...
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    Emo kid pours out his heart and soul...

    I almost started to believe that he was telling the truth when he said he wasn't emo... Then he said he would kill himself just so he could kiss her! :crackup: That guy should be put on suicide watch when she breaks up with him. Actually I just realized that it's likely she isn't...
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    tripped out music

    Spacemen 3
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    Peer Sharing-related question

    Soulseek Bit Torrent I wouldn't recommend using LimeWire because it's already becoming like *****...lots of corrupt files, and the RIAA is already in the process of shutting it down.
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    Chuck FVCKING Norris!

    Wow that's some ****ing hilarious stuff! Thanks for posting it:crackup:
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    Ann Coulter

    She's a moron.
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    field report: girl uses AFC as power play

    I think OneArmDeejay and you yourself, Kevin, bring up some good points. Anybody would get frustrated when a ***** plays games like that; we've all experienced it, but I think you may have taken it too seriously in this situation. Remember that the purpose of dates isn't just to "go...
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    Sosuaves Sexiest Woman Alive 2005!

    I'm ready for Demon to claim that he's dated several chicks hotter than any of the above. :rolleyes: By the way, Jessica Alba wins again.
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    Balance Attraction with Value: Eliminate Flaking

    A very logical explanation of effective game. Nice work
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    No Masturbation for 6 months! Join in!

    I'm not buying any of that nonsense about ejaculation not affecting athletic performance. Ever done it the same day as an athletic event? It kills your energy completely. It has nothing to do with your mental perception of it at all. I once whacked it about 3 hours prior to a cross country...
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    learning guitar

    That's a problem for everyone when they first start playing. You need to build up the strength in your hand and fingers before you'll be able to get a perfect bar chord. It took me about 3 weeks of practice before I could get it to sound clear. Practice it every day and eventually you'll...
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    Tucker Max's "Breaking Down The Game "

    yawn Everyone should read that article, btw.
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    Just how stupid are you?

    Wtf is Juneteenth? I'm American and I've never even heard of it...
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    Thanksgiving, the American Holiday?

    Actually Halloween dates back to the Druids of pre-Anglo-Saxon England. So that's almost as old as Christmas.
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    Guitar questions

    When you play scales (which you need to do, if you wanna get better at soloing) don't concentrate on speed. Concentrate on technique, make the notes ring loud, clear, and in time with the metronome. Start at a slow tempo, and gradually increase the tempo every time you practice. As far as...
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    to the druggies out there...

    Most of the people who often diss drugs completely have never even tried them. Drug use in moderation is never a bad thing. Can drugs be dangerous? Yes. Should some of them be illegal? Yes. Are you going to die/kill all your brain cells/go on to harder drugs just because you experiment a...
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    Something to Consider about Concentric and Eccentric Lifting Movements.

    Interesting... What kind of program would you use for this? Obviously there are the main muscle groups that you need to hit (chest/tris, back/bis, legs, shoulders), but how would you split it up day by day, and furthermore, what specific exercises would you do at 1 set to failure? I'm...
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    Terrell Owens Sucks.

    I agree. T.O. is just a total disgrace to the game. He thinks everything revolves around him in a TEAM sport. I don't think the Eagles should let him play for the rest of the season.
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    I think I may have been a victim of Asian racism!

    Can't you just accept that racism is everywhere, not just in the U.S.?