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  1. R

    Is prenuptial agreement necessary?

    Don't sell yourself short. . . The reason most marriages go rotten or fall apart completely is because they do not involve two mature individuals who communicate effectively or had an intelligent premise as to why the marriage was a smart decision in the first place. Most marriages involve...
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    Prize Mentality vs. Genuinely Being a Prize

    When you own it, it doesn't have to be returned to the rental company. It stays in your possession because it's yours. Passengers will treat it with greater respect, and the cost per ride is far less than a rental.
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    Prize Mentality vs. Genuinely Being a Prize

    Thanks for the reply Colossus, great stuff. My intent with this thread was not to duplicate other similar discussions, but rather move the value discussion away from commoditizing factors (looks, money, etc) and toward the unique and intangible factors that create intrinsic value, placing a...
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    Prize Mentality vs. Genuinely Being a Prize

    One of the basic weaknesses that characterize the AFC mindset, which I think most of us can agree upon, is lacking an understanding of human behavioral dynamics (including but not limited to sexual dynamics), and thus a lack of awareness in social situations. A core theme on this forum is to...
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    I'm gonna go crazy

    MacAvoy, This challenge of yours has little to do with society's double standard for women, the degradation of integrity among the female species, the Matrix, etc. No sir, this has everything to do with YOU. Between all the hype and hyperbole in your rant, we're not getting the full...
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    Thanksgiving Eve....biggest party night of the year??

    This is a marketing schtick that's been going on for awhile now. There does seem to be some merit to it though. If you're going to go get trashed at the bars Thanksgiving does make for the ideal recovery day. If you're visiting family out of town or returning to your hometown it's something...
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    Do bad grades in school = Failure in the future.

    Not learning = failure in the future. Grades alone mean nothing outside the entry level for certain careers. While one can still learn while receiving poor grades, how likely is it that one with poor grades is really engaged in learning?
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    A Man Must Become

    Self improvement, personal growth, enhancing one's sexual value and attractiveness - these concepts apply to both men and women. However, a primary point of distinction is in how they apply to men and women. If we're talking reproductive value, a woman has a much shorter time horizon with...
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    401K plan

    double post.
  10. R

    401K plan

    Roll it into an investment vehicle that you control. You can continue to contribute to your account on your own if you'd like. The new vehicle will be designated as an IRA and your money will maintain its tax-qualified status. It may be to your advantage to convert it to a Roth IRA, assuming...
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    got a problem guys....keeping "it" up.

    Warning: Cialis won't make the old women you're banging hot. Seek medical treatment immediately if you experience priapism - an erection lasting over four hours. Consult your doctor if you take nitrates for chest pains, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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    Guilty of Misreading Your Dates!?

    You want the truth!? There's an element of truth in every joke, that's what creates the humor. It's not so much that the 'future husband' or 'soulmate' references are taken as serious declarations, as it is the element of truth that exists behind the humor. That element of truth is...
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    toothache pain

    800 mg of ibuprofen/motrin (one pill is typically 200 mg), plus generous applications of Orajel with either a cotton swab or tissue. Rinse with Listerine or generic equivalent twice daily to minimize bacterial presence (which will increase pain) and avoid chewing on that side of the mouth...
  14. R

    Can't grow feelings for women

    This is entirely normal. This is how you are wired. This is your masculine mind - where your natural reaction is instinctive and not clouded or filtered through all these conditioned social conventions (e.g. shallowness - "I shouldn't be objectifying women like this"). Embrace your...
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    Live SoSuave Chat

    This forum has posters from all over the world, and from all walks of life. The diversity here is amazing. We are all at different stages of life with different schedules. We have different attitudes, beliefs, and skill sets. The only way anyone here would possibly consider actually...
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    What Harry Potter Tells Us About Women

    Perhaps the social convention of women which I detest the most is the "commitment-phobic" rationalization. If he isn't seeking marriage, a monogamous relationship, or a continuous stream of dates to further either of those ideals, then by default he has a fear of commitment or otherwise must be...
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    Live SoSuave Chat

    ALL ORGANIZED DISCUSSIONS ARE HELD ON SUNDAY AT 10PM EST. --------------- Original post: --------------- Courtesty of penkitten. Join up and let's converse in real-time.
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    Low-carb dieting? anabolic diet?

    Yeah I did have a difficult time with the idea when it first was presented to me. I really appreciate the forum members here continually encouraging everyone to question mainstream dietary conditioning, much like some of the other forums here encourage us to question our social conditioning...
  19. R

    Low-carb dieting? anabolic diet?

    I went raw with eggs two weeks ago and am totally kicking myself for not doing it years ago. It's so quick, easy, healthy, and tastes fantastic. If low carb is what you're seeking, this will get the job done. The new fast food for me: 6 (organic) eggs, 8 oz water, 2 scoops chocolate whey...
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    Durex Condom Tester

    Girl: So like, what do you do for a living? Guy: I'm uh... I'm a condom tester. :) Girl: Really... So what do you do? Do you like stretch them and run tests on them in a lab to see how tough they are? Guy: [laughs] No. Actually how it works is I make fukk to different women...