As you have most certainly heard, Dumbeldore is gay. Frankly, I don’t really care as I have never read the books or watched the films. Rowling has stated the thematical underpinnings of her books was tolerance and CNN observed “Potter readers on fan sites and elsewhere on the Internet have speculated on the sexuality of Dumbledore, noting that he has no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past.” It’s that last bit about “no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past” which struck me as odd. Why did she make him gay? Why not some straight recluse?
I’m pushing this beyond the gay movement (unlike another thread). It’s not for the fact Dumbeldore is gay but rather by the fact Rowling is a woman. By this I mean, women seem to have a total incomprehension for why a heterosexual man would choose to remain perpetually single. Their brain fries. I personally have never met any woman who has agreed with my single status and I have learned to avoid bringing up the subject. I have tried the honest reasons, I have tried lying, but I hit a brick wall. The only thing I can do is nod my head in the affirmative when they say “You just haven’t met the right woman,” while knowing that’s untrue. (I have, a few times.)
I wondered if maybe the fact I’m good looking is skewing my results, much like how guys tell really cute girls to keep men favorably in mind. Yet, I am convinced women are 100% social animals. The only thing they ever talk about is "people", either their lives or lives of others. It's only when in the company of men are women sometimes are found discussing other things, even quite intelligently. Society is so integrally infused throughout their bodies, fathom they cannot why an otherwise eligible bachelor would choose not to have a girlfriend.
Thus, when creating a man with “no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past,” Rowling did the only womanly thing and made Dumbeldore gay.
I’m pushing this beyond the gay movement (unlike another thread). It’s not for the fact Dumbeldore is gay but rather by the fact Rowling is a woman. By this I mean, women seem to have a total incomprehension for why a heterosexual man would choose to remain perpetually single. Their brain fries. I personally have never met any woman who has agreed with my single status and I have learned to avoid bringing up the subject. I have tried the honest reasons, I have tried lying, but I hit a brick wall. The only thing I can do is nod my head in the affirmative when they say “You just haven’t met the right woman,” while knowing that’s untrue. (I have, a few times.)
I wondered if maybe the fact I’m good looking is skewing my results, much like how guys tell really cute girls to keep men favorably in mind. Yet, I am convinced women are 100% social animals. The only thing they ever talk about is "people", either their lives or lives of others. It's only when in the company of men are women sometimes are found discussing other things, even quite intelligently. Society is so integrally infused throughout their bodies, fathom they cannot why an otherwise eligible bachelor would choose not to have a girlfriend.
Thus, when creating a man with “no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past,” Rowling did the only womanly thing and made Dumbeldore gay.