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  1. D

    Slick Tales

    Re: Sad, Sad Sad! the bold parts are the extremely negative comments...not exaclty good luck.
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    Slick Tales

    your mailbox is full so, sanyo, my comments are hardly insults. You are extremely pessimistic. If you cant see how ridiculous the last post was they you do have trust issues and you are a lil crazy. If you are offened than too bad. The real reason this site is suffering is becuase...
  3. D

    Question for the Objectivists (or just fans of Rand's work)

    You are at Chico State, stick to drinking beer and leave talking to the real people. To keep it brief. Rand's theories dont add up. They dont add up in her books and they don't add up in her other writings. She had two good books that were almost ruined by concepts of "objectivism."
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    Who else is getting sick of the radical anti-feminists?

    If you are trying to prove your point atleast include examples...
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    Slick Tales

    Sanyo, I thought i had trust issues but you take cake...and the damn bakery! Slick-as crazy as Sanyo seems to be, he does make some more solid points (some are a bit on the conspiracy theory side).
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    Slick Tales

    hey slick, i just happened to check and boom! A new post from you. One of my main concerns with your relationship with Rebecca is that you didn't get a chance to get to know her THAT well. Now obviously that can take a very long time but you are infainuated with this girl (i hate the...
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    Your 5 MUST HAVE CDs

    paying for music is like paying for sex. Some pay for it most get it for free.
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    Oh dude....Jesus Bomb!

    ...No, but this one guy did scream "Alaah Achkbar!" so I had to shoot him.
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    Anyone seen any good sitcoms lately?

    Arrested development is the most intelligent comedy on TV. Curb your enthusiasm is up there and entourage just finished. I'm suprized no one mentioned Family Guy. I'd say that it is much better than the simpsons. Also, I think the OC is worth a mention. A lotta drama but Seth Cohen is...
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    Kanye West is an ass.

    You are an idiot. Yes, and where did you get that quote??? No one can argue that there would be more troops to help if there was not a war to be fought. IF there were oil fields in New Orleans there would be richer people there who would of moved out in the evacuation.
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    Slick Tales

    Slick- You better keep this damn thread going. Seriously, this small thread is probably one of the few reasons i still come to this site. Ok, maybe im being a bit over the top but do not stop updating us. I am going to be very brief in explaining to you the consequences for your...
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    tucking dress shirt in jeans

    some shirts are short and meant to be left out. Some are long and meant to be tucked in. Some shirts look good tucked in and vice versa. Though i must say that tucking a shirt in gives you a more forma/dressy look. When i wear a blazer and jeans tucking the shirt in is always the way to...
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    After 2 years, I am single again, yet NOT always happy(!?)

    hey jb, long time... What your feeling is pretty normal right now and how you acted after your breakup is pretty normal too. There is nothing wrong with wanting to bang every attractive girl you see but acting on it to try to fill a botomless hole is stupid and you have come to a...
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    I suck in the sack

    wear a condom. Once you have one of those things on then you won't feel a thing. Also, Foreplay is the way to go. It warms you up. But mostly you just need to have a lot of sex to become good. Also, you ever heard of beer ****?? Aren't you the punk that wrote all those threads on...
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    Eurotrip: Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Munich

    I have been to amsterdam and prague. In amsterdam, go check out the red light district at night but be wary of the small streets, there are many of them. Go flirt with the girls. Its funny to see them behind a window. I actually noticed that the ugly ones seemed to be the busiest. Do not...
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    why I know Im in love

    You are not in love but infatuated. Learn to know the difference. OH that and your HORNY.
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    What is your Crowning Acheivement

    I'm sure this sounds quite cliche here but my crowning moment has nothing to do with gettind laid or even a girl for that matter.
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    Adidas Nastase -I have them in maroon. Get tons of compliments from women. my reebok classic New Balance classic preppy. These shoes are pretty comphy too. Brown or blue are nice. Vans! Vans are very comphy shoes. Adidas Dragon I have em in black but green is pretty sweet too...
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    When a girl asks....

    I actually just got that question. A girl that i had hooked up with two years ago re-entered my life. She was quite curious to know about the girls i had sex with before her. I told her simply that i didn't want to discuss it. This is the only way to go.
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    Soldier of Fortune

    You forgot to mention Sayeret Matkal...The guys that TEACH the kids at Delta Force.