My point is that when you master the art of reframing, any reason not to do something becomes a reason to do it.
Here is what i wrote in that thread. My point is that guys hear "Jesus" and they just give up. Any objection can be overcome.
Tell her first of all that Jesus is about dispensing grace and forgiveness and not judgement. Jesus did not run around telling people that they were going to hell - that's what the Pharisees did, and they were his adversary, the ones who helped get him killed. We are supposed to be humble, not self-righteous and holier-than-thou.
Now, about the sex, this is my own interpretation of the Bible's message. I would tell her that "marriage" in ancient times in the desert meant taking a woman into your tent, feeding her, and protecting her from the elements. Divorce could mean death. Essentially, it was a monogamous commitment. There was no piece of paper from the king or the government. The Bible laughs at kings and governments. So tell her that our modern fixation upon a piece of paper from the government is a distortion of the Bible's message. If you love her and are committed to her, that should be enough.
It should not be that difficult to convince her. You can search the bible at to get a couple of verses to make whatever point to her that you choose.