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  1. P

    Seriously, what the hell

    What does your gut say to do? (Put everything behind you for a few moments and think about just the problem. Forget what I've told you, what she's said, what you've thought about while going home, EVERYTHING.) What did you get to?
  2. P

    Seriously, what the hell

    serious=good forcing her to go out with you=bad Telling her she needs to go out with you makes you look like you can't get any other girls.
  3. P

    Seriously, what the hell

    Just try cutting relations for a day. If you can't take it and your going to explode go ahead and interact with her again. You have to show NOW that you are only looking in a relationship, not a friendship. If you dont this journey looks like it might end up in the friendzone.
  4. P

    Seriously, what the hell

    keep asking question if you need to, its the only way you're going to get better. Don't be afraid to ask us "why"
  5. P

    Seriously, what the hell

    Man, you must be really patient if your only a little pissed off. I'd be furious. I think you handled it pretty well. Here's what I would recommend: 1) If she is genuinely sorry, and you know this (only you can tell not us) cut her off. I've found the best way to deal with girls who turfed...
  6. P

    Should I ask her about the play?

    I went to my school's play with a couple of my friends to get some Extra Credit. Anyway, when I wasn't asleep, I noticed this girl whose decent and decided I'm going to number game her MON. Should I bring up the play when I approach her? I don't want to look like a stalker..
  7. P

    akward girls

    If she painting a picture of a spartan and comparing it to you it probably means she likes you. Also "dropy" or whatever is your pet name she gave you. I'd recommend giving her a pet name if your into her. Ask if she'd like to see more of your "spartan body" BTW Haha, when I first read...
  8. P

    Weird vs. Awkward

    Anyone else know about the awkward salmon?
  9. P

    Another of my approaches

    Yea it sucks. But its kinda weirdthat English has helped me pick up a couple girls. I used the Ethan Frome for this one and in one of my other approaches the girl was studying the Odyssey and I made fun of her for the whole Circe/ Odysseus thing. English FTW!!! (rarely)
  10. P

    Another of my approaches

    haha, who doesn't
  11. P

    Another of my approaches

    This one's kinda weird, but whatever... So its lunch and I'm just walking around at school. All of a sudden my friend nails me in the face with a snowball from like a good 25 yards away. I picked up a snowball to throw at him, and chucked it. He ducked and it nailed a hb7 in the back of the...
  12. P

    On Holding A Conversation And Avoiding Awkward Silences

    yea. everyone has awkward silences, I got a little more than the actual don juan because I'm still in a transition, but nobody's perfect. Thanks this thread helped me a lot... I just got to realize to stop being so nervous and just have fun with it instead of trying to carry the convo.
  13. P


    Wait, so Clyde's not a monkey? Back to Pet CO....
  14. P

    your opinion on wingmen in highschool

    I guess what i mean is "do you think the girl will really know if stories, comments, etc are fake or not.
  15. P

    your opinion on wingmen in highschool

    Personally, I think that a good wingman can help out anyone, not just the beginner who needs help. However, girls can often tell when something is staged so have one who is equally as suave as you that can throw in "remember the time when..." stories at just the right time. As far as for...
  16. P

    oneitis dreams ???

    haha, true that
  17. P


    haha maybe it is, but maybe its just weird enough to work
  18. P


    At my school your allowed to sleep on the couches in the library, i saw a couple hbs there and was going to game them, but i wasnt sure if they were awake. My gut instinct was to plop myself next to one and say "Good morning sunshine" in a high pitched non serious vooice, but I've never really...
  19. P

    Need Help: Stacking and Sh1t Tests

    I know the 90/10 rule is that one person carries on 90% of the convo; the other person 10%. For this particular guys hes carrying 90 the girl, 10
  20. P

    Need Help: Stacking and Sh1t Tests

    I don't know where you read to just look at them and walk away. You're totally right. A sh1t test is exactly the girl seeing if your gonna man up and continue on or run away. As for witty combacks, I'm not really sure I kinda make them up as they go. If someone was being a real b!tch I would...