You are the average of the five closest people you associate with. Friends can be good or bad influence.
When your girl has bad influence, plan for an eventual exit.
Actually there were people who took SinoVac or the other Chinese vax and died in Thailand and Brazil. Yes, all the Western countries offered only DNA or mRNA jabs. Canada and Australia had the severest restrictions. I see that you are in Peoples' Republic of Canada (PRC). I left that hellhole...
[Note: there are no dead nor live attenuated virions in these COVID "vaccines"; thus, they are not vaccines proper, but, rather, slow kill bioweapons.]
"Even if I...
@Radagast Go to an Asian country or go to cities with large Asian population. In the US, cities like San Fran and NYC would be examples. In UK, we have London.
@Anom There is a thread on your subject that might want to read:
Could you shave your beard and get a good haircut (pay top dollar if you have to)?
Get cooler looking glasses with tint or contacts.
This is for starters.
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I went out with someone like that for a few months. It didn't work out....always thinking about ex...didn't want to move and uproot to a new location in the first place. Always sad and depressed.
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