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  1. F

    Can girls forget that you were AFC?

    few statements have ever been this blatantly wrong. if Ive learned anything from having several older sisters and nothing but aunts(mom only has sisters and dad is an only child)....its that women have an insane memory about certain things....that certain things being people and gossip. are...
  2. F

    females are stupid

    unlike men amirite????
  3. F

    How Good Was Pook?

    good man. also good he still has friends here. not pointless. I admit I am curious. also i never knew he had a blog although i shouldnt be shocked by that. that said does anyone know why he just up and left? us newer SS members like me would probably like to know since we werent here when...
  4. F

    gone beta... need major help

    She started getting too clingy, and it was pushing me farther away. this really is the key. she was all over you and YOU pushed her away. she responded in kind and pushed you away. secondly if she is that damn hot she can have anyone. thirdly girls seem to inexplicably be able to go from I...
  5. F

    im not responsible and no one respects me

    your mental state is a wreck. I can tell you right from personal experience that you are overflowing with depression and no one wants that(justified depression or not). sounds like you need to take a semester off....take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out how to get your sh!t...
  6. F

    Is it really worth it to go after hot chicks?

    Im going to toss my 2 cents in and say Pook is right. I dont think pook is outright telling us we must be in shape to get hot girls but he saying we must take care of ourselves to get hot girls. I think that is theme he is trying to get across. furthermore I think it is pook that states(if its...
  7. F

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    honestly I did this for a year once. Im not gonna lie it certainly improved me greatly and was despite I was a massive AFC....i was far more social even with females than i ever was. I really succumbed due to depression + stress + I had just moved and didnt like the area and when i did the no...
  8. F

    Another F"cken Flake...time for a red pill

    QFT I would say the way Ive come to understand it since being on this site is just to think of the Adam and Eve story. this is fitting because(and please leave your there is no God comments out of this as that is not the point here) its supposes to be the story of the first two humans...
  9. F

    We live in a woman's world.

    honestly its true. game wont save us. and using it just to get laid endlessly wont save society either. in fact constant pumping and dumping and never settling down will condemn society too. society needs fathers and if said fathers are too busy pumping and dumping the next generation will...
  10. F

    "Alpha fvcks Beta Bucks" is the most retarded sht I've ever heard.

    this people. this. or to add to that the alpha bangs her...she gets pregnant and the beta cares for the child because the alpha is busy being reckless. truth be told I dont consider a real alpha one who would impregnant a woman and then abandon her unless she truly was insane. really...
  11. F

    Is it really worth it to go after hot chicks?

    its always good to read the great pook.
  12. F

    convincing people to wake up really is like pulling teeth

    yea its painful. Im not entirely sure but i think its a source(well one of a few sources im sure) of some massive cognitive dissonance Im having. I know something has to give concerning the matter while I dont think anything will give yet I think if I can manage to really stick to a new me kind...
  13. F

    new years resolution.....if...

    4 times a week is better than nothing. you also dont need to workout everyday either. it helps if you do but its not necessary and even then take sunday and/or saturday off. its also important to note guys especially the ones that havent lifted a muscle beyond the ones need to lift the fork...
  14. F

    convincing people to wake up really is like pulling teeth

    solid post and i do like that train of thought as thats really what ive been thinking lately get my house in order and let everything else fall in line. I would say just because someone is a friend doesnt mean you need them forever and ever. people do cross a line even if you get along with...
  15. F

    Is it really worth it to go after hot chicks?

    gold post. someone who i think gets it. that you can have a LTR and not be a wuss and thats the end game of the DJ bible because thats the end game of manhood. ah good old pook how i miss thee. for us social loners and hermits just replace trying to get a piece of ass with "video games"...
  16. F

    EVERYTHING a man needs to know about women

    i assume he would of been the inventor of the get back in the kitchen meme.
  17. F

    convincing people to wake up really is like pulling teeth

    the thing is its not just women that makes AFC folks AFC. its everything. when i first stumbled onto this site and started reading and crying on the inside at the fact my life has been one dirty lie about women i see now its not just women its the entire state of being really that feeds the AFC...
  18. F

    Women are NOT the center of a mans life.

    Women are NOT the center of a mans life. i wish i could tell my younger self as well as some guys in my social circle this and have it stick.
  19. F

    Girls or Betas?

    honestly the more i awaken and take the red pill the more AFC behavior irritates me. sure I am a noob red pill taker but still seeing the AFC behavior all around is just aggravating as ****. I do agree a good group of guys is key for any male but i am getting the feeling if you are too far into...
  20. F

    How to de-pedestalize women?

    honestly Im wondering this myself. I think the best approach is to just read a lot of sosuave like material. this ideally will unpollute the brain. this will then hopefully make you naturally start thinking properly so when you finally start practicing all youve learned here you will be less...