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  1. G

    Rationalization Hamsters

    no,man, NOTHING I say can POSSIBLY be accurate, just ask a bunch of punks here, they will set you straight.
  2. G

    I screwed up with girl that had a crush on me, Im such a failure

    suicide now. you are a total loss. :-)
  3. G

    Rationalization Hamsters

    Just another example about how BADLY women need men. Men don't really need women at all, other than for preservation of the species, which a great many of us don't care about at all. We just want them around as decoration and ego-pump status symbols, mostly. A few women are decent companions...
  4. G

    Stop Caring About What Women Want and What They Think

    If you have any smarts, it will takes months to "qualify" a woman to be in your bed, much less your SO. I always test how they respond to training at karate and shooting. If they don't love it and work hard at it, NEXT. They can be feminsts to a point, I don't mind. They can be religious to a...
  5. G

    A Cautionary Tale: Beware the 30+ Aged Wife...

    Anybody who knows jack squat about investing can average 20%, before tax and inflation reduce it to 10%. If you "can't make it" on 100k a year, (as idiot above claims 1 million won't retire you ) you are a lame.
  6. G

    The War Against Men

    it says right in the Koran than others must convert or die. Those who believe that god is 3, ie, Christian father, son, and Holy ghost, must die. So you let muslims flourish at the risk of your very life. They WILL get a nuke someday, and it WILL go off in NYC, and it WILL ruin the US economy...
  7. G

    Fighting Angry vs Fighting Calm

    yeah, IF they are stupid enough to be grappling. but if they are busting knees with kicks, gouging eyes, headbutting, biting, etc, the damage will be done in a VERY few seconds. which is why mma is bs as training. It's a show, just like wrestling and boxing are shows. If the matches ended in 1-2...
  8. G

    The fall of the republic, opinions on this

    if they put a bullet in your head, WHERE'S all that knowledge that they CAN'T take, hmmm? Don't be fools. IF the jbt's ever DARE to start grabbing guns, or even "just" demand a mass "turn in" of same, it will be time to start hunting THEM. Make a silencer for a takedown, concealable .22...
  9. G

    The Starter Wife

    do you realize how stupid you look, posting ridiculous numbers about stuff that you OBVIOUSLY know nothing about? I know for a FACT how long it takes to make a ccw draw, from every position and method of carry and concealment. I know how long it takes to "cover" ground, make each type of strike...
  10. G

    Alpha Male extracurriclar activities

    I never bothered with pvssy until I was 26, and had a guy's wife not hit on me, I'd probably still have been cherry at age 30. I was having too much fun competing on the IPSC combat shooting match circuit. Looking back on it, I wish I'd avoided women and stuck with the shooting, until I'd made...
  11. G

    The War Against Men

    right, and we ALL just LET politicians do WHATEVER, right? I got a newsflash for you, bud, bullets TRUMP bullshyte. And real estate does NOT move. :-) The US can take on the entire world, in a fight, with both hands tied behind us. russia couldn't whip afghanistan, in 10 years of trying, right...
  12. G

    no y assasination not preferred over army?

    that's right. when russia quit being our "boogie man", we HAD to find one. what a JOKE, Hussein being a "threat" to US. we kicked their asses in ONE MONTH, in 1991, without half trying. ditto Afghanistan. Our miitary realized THAT mistake, so they backed off and let them remain a sort of...
  13. G

    anybody can build a "springbow"

    you're a ****ing idiot, dude. everyone but you knows that. I'm 60, punk. like some kid could POSSIBLY know all the things I post here about? you're just plain stupid.
  14. G

    Posture fix help

    uh, mouse can be moved, correct? used with either hand? :-) google for Utube video on how to do the 'turkish get up" TGU exercise. Normally, done with kettleball, but you can make one of those, with a gallon antifreeze jug, partially, then completely full of first water, then sand, as you get...
  15. G

    anybody can build a "springbow"

    the mechanism for the xbow or springbow can be very simplistic. all that's required is a simple "rocker" lever, the trigger, a spring and a pivot pin for each of those 2 parts. one end of the rocker sticks up in the way of the bolt of the springbow, or the string of the crossbow. the other end...
  16. G

    no y assasination not preferred over army?

    and the massive wastes of money on militaries? several reasons. One, the elites don't want OTHER countries thinking like that! :-) They don't want to have to ride around in tanks, sleep while wearing gas masks, and live in buried concrete bunkers. Also, what to do with the assassins...
  17. G

    anybody can build a "springbow"

    just because you're a wimp who will knuckle under to the first punk with a weapon doesn't mean that's the proper thing to do. The world is full of different types of weapons, man. SOMEBODY designed each and every one of them, ya know. :-) I'm just better at such things than most inventors...
  18. G

    Clothes you can always wear that don't repell women

    A karate gi seemed to work for Mike Stone. He took Pricilla from Elvis, so something about it works. :-)
  19. G

    best investment there IS, (currently)

    MANY of the stores, like walmart, STILL sell ammo at nearly the "old" price, morons. But it's sold almost as soon as it hits the shelves. But, see, unlike you dumbasses, I KNOW how to find out when it arrives. :-) I also know how to find the buyers, letting me double my money in a month or less...
  20. G

    Man sexually assualted by Hungy Hungy Helens

    i can't imagine less than 20 women being able to do that to me. :-) Shyte, man, HURT badly the first 2-3 (takes 1-2 seconds) and 10 more are going to RUN. there's a REASON why it's an insult to call a man a pvssy.