all societies collapse. Just like humans. We are born, we get older we learn stuff, we accumulate wealth and experience, our systems start to slowly break down, and we die.
Some people go down in flames. Some people drop dead of a heart attack. Some people get cancer and linger for years.
Societies are the same. They grow, they get fat, they get top heavy, and start to slowly crumble. It's never pretty, and it's rarely quick. And there's never any clear signs or evidence.
There's no secret group with any specific intentions on enslaving anybody or warring against males or any of that.
It's simply a systemic collapse of an unsustainable model. When you build a sand castle at low tide, they waves don't care about you or your castle, they just come rolling in slowly and steadily. There's no "anti-castle" conspiracy of the sea. Just nature doing what nature does.
Governments, bankers, are the same. At best they are opportunists, but more likely they leverage and keep their power any way they can, and justify it any way they can.
There's no conspiracy. No specific plan for eradication or enslavement. Just short sighted fools who haven't a clue. But they are slick talking, willfully deceptive and charismatic fools to whom we voluntarily hand over power, one piece at a time. If there is enslavement, it won't be an end. It will just be a means, the best means they can come up with, to hang on to power.
Does cancer conspire against the body? Or does cancer merely do what cancer, does, grow as much as it can at the expense of whomever gets in the way, until EVERYBODY dies, including the cancer?
The good news is the collapse will not happen quickly, it will happen slowly, and with an understanding of what's coming, and what the news reports REALLY mean, a forward thinking DJ can prepare himself to survive quite comfortably regardless of what happens.
But that requires throwing off old models of safety and security, and thinking a little outside the box, with alacrity and creativity.
A good model of what the U.S. and western society will likely evolve into is Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa. Multi cultural, multi ethnic.
White liberals on top with power and wealth, hiding behind their guarded walls and traveling by armored transport.
The darker the skin, the lower down on the economic scale.
What is particularly frightening is that along the way, from where we are to where we are going, there's a lot of freedom loving people who are heavily armed.
They aren't going to go quietly.