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  1. B

    Platonic female friends

    This thread is the slap in the face I need. Even though I enjoy the banter with platonic female friends, the more I think about it, the more emasculating it is. Case in point: I literally just got a message from an HB9 coworker (support staff) asking if I’d help her pick out paint for her...
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    Platonic female friends

    What about for dread game once you’re in a relationship? “Hey babe, I’m going to be running late tonight... stopping for a drink with <hot female friend> after work
  3. B

    Platonic female friends

    Following up on a theme that emerged from an earlier thread I posted a few days back, what’s the consensus here on having (attractive) platonic female friends? Good for social proof? Practicing game on? Thoughts?
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    DEEZEBRAH... a little extreme lol. We are currently on great terms, and I’m definitely no beta cuck. I am also pretty sure you wouldn’t be saying that to my face if you saw me. I’m not doubting your game and I’m grateful for the advice, but the bravado is a little keyboard-jockeyish of you...
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    So no salvaging this?
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    It seems the consensus is that there is no circumstance under which having attractive female platonic friends is beneficial to a man. Has no one here ever used an attractive female friend to provoke jealousy in a new love interest in their life? Because I have, and it worked perfectly.
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    What about just texting “let’s hook up tonight” and leaving it at that. So there’s no ambiguity. I have my targets on this particular one due to mainly to ego - I get that - but I want to see if I can turn this one back around. Is there anything wrong with directly communicating my intentions?
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    My gut has been telling me the same thing as backseatdonjuan. Should I just put an ultimatum out there to her? I.e. “Are we gonna start hooking up or what? Because thats where I saw this going”. I don’t want other women at work to see me as the male girlfriend.
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    I talked with her about struggling after being hurt in a previous relationship. In my work environment, hookups are common and not really frowned upon. But the point is definitely valid, generally speaking.
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    Friend zoned - can I turn this into a positive?

    I’ve been friend zoned by a solid HB 7.5-8 I work with. We hit things off at the work Christmas party a few months back, ended up ****ing that same night, and have hung out a number of times since then in addition to an abundance of texting. The only times we’ve escalated physically since then...
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    Old girlfriend on Facebook, turned out to be a huge liar!

    This literally made me LOL. Thanks for the chuckle... and hats off to you for moving beyond throwing rocks to express your displeasure.
  12. B

    Navigating a woman's emotional response after sex

    So I F closed one of my plates last night following our second date - 29 years old (a little older for me), HB8. She showed high interest in me right from the first date last week and probably would have gone for the lay then but there were some logistical constraints. One thing I'm...
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    Facebook, Jealously and Maintaining Frame

    Gee, I would have never guessed. Projection.
  14. B

    Facebook, Jealously and Maintaining Frame

    To sum up your post, you've deduced that I have an "obvious beta mindset", knowing nothing else about me, based upon the fact that I: 1) Am on Facebook and 'follow the Facebook herd'; 2) Added a young HB8 to Facebook after successfully nailing her on a first date; 3) Viewed her Facebook page...
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    Facebook, Jealously and Maintaining Frame

    Getting off Facebook... that's great advice (if I was a 43 year old dude who was ok with limiting his sexual conquests to overweight divorced soccer moms). A newsflash for ya buddy... the early 20s demographic lives and breathes Facebook, and you aren't a real person to anyone in said...
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    Facebook, Jealously and Maintaining Frame

    I've been single now for about a year now after being locked down in a 7 year LTR. I had a hiccup at the start and got involved with a crazy/possibly BPD chick, but got out of that quickly thanks to the sage advice of some of my brothers on this message board. Since then, I have made living...
  17. B

    Text game and younger girls

    Used Cordoncordon's reply yesterday and still no reply. Ah well... younger girls are frustratingly flaky. It's too bad because I do quite well once I get them on that first date. Unfortunately in my experience I'm finding it's hard to get that date with the HB8s and up without wasting time I...
  18. B

    Text game and younger girls

    I've been working on my text game because it sucks. I'm single in my 30s after ending a 7 year relationship. The last time I was single, we actually used to CALL a woman for dates and there wasn't this back and forth texting bullshyte after you meet her. Unfortunately, as a gentleman who...
  19. B

    Losing patience

    So here's my dating situation... I was in a long term relationship (almost 7 years, we were living together) which I ended almost exactly one year ago. I ended it mainly because I was feeling restless and frankly thought I could do better. Nowadays I'm not so sure. My ex was an HB7.5 and a...
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    Girl I'm dating has abandonment issues

    I honestly am ONLY interested in fvcking her at this point. Her behaviour has disqualified her as a girlfriend prospect. My only emotional investment is in fvcking her to get some vindication for the crap she put me through. And don't act like you wouldn't do the same in my shoes. She is a...