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  1. J

    Male Friends

    If your GF has some close MALE friends, as a man how do you react to that? Do you ask her to cut out the contact, do you do nothing about it and just observe carefully, do you try to find out if they also have GF´s of their own? Whats your take on this?
  2. J

    **** it, lets get married

    Yes I stand corrected, I meant blame. It´s always something he did or didnt do
  3. J

    **** it, lets get married

    Women tend to throw the guilt to men if for some reason you're not having enough sex...
  4. J

    She loves me but decides to end our relationship???

    Isnt this just a ho being a ho, and not actually being Borderline? Ive seen girls do this all the time and I dont think they are all BPD
  5. J

    High Caliber Girl Playing Hard to Get or Has No Interest?

    Sounds almost like this is a practice game session for this lady ....
  6. J

    Who should really pay while dating (video)

    Whats the thought of the DJ commmunity about this matter? I tend to agree with the video posted before, meaning you shouldnt be paying for her time although of course if its some special occasion then it makes more sense for the man to pay.
  7. J

    Everybody deserves a second chance?

    This is a quite unusual situation to say the least... how many times do we see a friend of ours touching our gf this way? Id say that guy isnt properly screwed AND isnt your "friend". As for the gf, big question marks on why didnt she brake it off immediately....
  8. J

    The whole "don't text too much" rule

    Is it persistence or desperation to chase women like that....?
  9. J

    The Waiting Game

    Great tips here
  10. J

    Do you guys have a 3 strike rule

    And even without having options at the time, starting to realize 1/2 strike rule is the way to go
  11. J

    My Dyck Wouldn't Get Up - Questions

    I wonder the harm that internet porn is causing so many of us here, its likely that many of these "problems" in young guys like most of us is just a case of watching too much porn and not getting aroused without it
  12. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    Well straight up in the sense that she made it clear that now she has no interest in me ;)
  13. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    QUality advice here Espi, thanks. Will certainly remember these words
  14. J

    Location Report.

    Am I the only southern european latino guy here?
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    How do you pursue without chasing?

    Ended up following this route, I also think this was the best course of action, just say thanks for their honesty, and just move on with my life. Thank you Espi
  16. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    Isnt the last part a bit beta, in the since that im telling her I would be always waiting for her?
  17. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    Asked her out for coffee for saturday night, she said it was kind of me to ask but tshe said is not in town now and that she is also not interested in finding an intimate relationship.... Long time i havent gotten such a straight up answer.... Any way of replying to this gracefully from my side?
  18. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    She never actually met my ex or seen her, so she doesnt know what she looks like. Where does that leave me now?
  19. J

    How do you pursue without chasing?

    I just broke up with the ex and i want to ask out a friend who is in my social circle. Now my ex was not in my close social circle since it was a long distance relationship that didnt last long (around 4 months) but she was introduced once around a month ago in a dinner with those friends. Now...
  20. J

    How to Minimize Sh!t tests

    Also, would you consider a sh!t test when usually you go out for dinner with the GF and always split expenses, but she after complains she cannot keep doing it on a regular basis due to budget constraints, so says that once in a while the guy should pay for it?