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    A Bit Confused About This Girl

    If she had herpes she would have told him. It's a congruency test. Breakup is the most probable outcome here.
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    What do you think?

    She was probably disappointed with you. You didn't escalate. And whats with this breakfast bullsh*t? Why would you accept a breakfast with her if you wanted to have secks with her? I don't even wanna listen to myself while having breakfast, let alone to a woman. Should have suggested a date...
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    First time making a move - is this a good plan?

    good plan... I did this once in my 6th grade of elementary school
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    Re-learning the importance of leading

    Always better to try to initiate then to regret being passive. It's easier to step back and apologize if she suddenly panicks. At least you will still be on her mind if nothing happens- "hmm, what if.."
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    Pull: What do you watch on Netflix? What do you do for Fun?

    TV is just an excuse to get in bed together bro. One that always worked- everyone knows what it means. Last time me and this girl got in bed together to watch some dumb movie that she picked, I literally watched it for entire 10 seconds before I told her: "how long do you think we can pretend...
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    Should I stay in my LTR or spin some plates?

    As you've described it, it sounds like 95% of those college first-time LTR's that are doomed to fail. Trust me, there are probably better girls out there. You are just in love and fail to see that she maybe isn't the best girl. Also, no secks and not even having a place where you can do it...
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    At least you are right in your assessment of the situation. It's basically shyness but with a combination of introvert and feeling of lower worth. It would be helpful if you tell us how old you are though. There is no magical recipe for this. I suffered from major shyness in my teen years, but...
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    How do I let go, or should I even?

    1. That's a typical woman behavior, nothing particularly "wrong" there 2. Dave is not your real friend. He's just someone you can hang out with sometimes. 3. Don't go to that stupid wedding, save yourself some money 4. It's better that this happened early in your life than late
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    Hobbies as DHVs

    I've a friend who does a few "extreme" sports but his sole focus is on publicizing and photographing what he does to increase his public perception and build his image. He can't focus on anything, his personal life and habits are trash, he has no real hobbies but sometimes he does snowboarding...
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    Ran into my ex I posted threads about with her new bf - Prove I am right

    Maybe you'd be happier if her BF had glanced at you ;) Who knows what God has planned for you again.
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    The Direct vs Indirect Faceoff

    Well I don't remember if I've used that specific phrase myself, I've just seen it alot on these internet memes that women make; ie. "how I sleep after getting attention and my guts rearranged" etc. (she sleeps smiling) Your response with bondage is actually better, just make sure she isn't the...
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    The Direct vs Indirect Faceoff

    Use direct approach sometimes after you get to know her better, for shock effect: Her: "Why are you so silent?" You: "Actually all I can think of right now is how I would rearrange your guts" She might get repulsed at first because she has to, but she won't be able to stop thinking about it...
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    Boring conversations

    You can't become unboring converstationalist overnight. End the converstation before you exhaust yourself, and escalate towards some activity or physical. (stop them from boring you to death with too much talk anyway) Anyways you only need to have a good conversation on the first date. From the...
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    Did this new to the game coach give good or bad advice?

    Your tone and demeanor should be the answer. Her: "How many relationships have you had"? You (with a smirk) "Relationships? Is that when... when a man and a woman get naked together? Sounds very interesting... " There's your answer. Everyone has the right to privacy and asking that question...
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    Intro and a help request

    Keep failing until you don't fail. But coming from a 10 year marriage, my guess is you are still too used to that "comfortable" lifestyle. Open to sharing everything, thinking you can absolutely trust the girl, going straight to the point, etc. Early dating is quite the opposite of that. You...
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    Guys trying too hard to impress women at gym

    I'm just really good at behavioral psychoanalysis and reflection (I used to be like them in my teen years) ;)
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    Learn approach fearlessness from beggers

    There theories are getting more and more ridiculous... Why people give money to beggars? Because of pity. You think women will give you their intimacy because they pity you? Also your motivation cannot be the same as someone whose life depends on whether he "approaches" or not. Or he's just...
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    Guys trying too hard to impress women at gym

    I think like 95% of guys really don't understand that not showing off something you have and not braggin about will actually make you cooler, since you are not attention whoring. It's counterintuitive to them. Many of the guys who complain about "female attention whoring on social media" do the...