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  1. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Update- She sent me a message last night but she wanted me to meet her at some other place with her friends and so she can introduce me to her friend stripper, I declined since I was tired and she got all huffy and sent a really long maybe 2 page essay text message that I never replied too. I...
  2. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Update I took one of the girls I know out to eat for Valentines Day and gave her 1 rose and she spent the night, nothing to report about that. Sunday I went out to look for some new Dog food for my parents dogs cause I want to take care of them now and make them look real good , the real...
  3. J

    Universitykid's Fitness Journal

    ...Wow your already on Break...crazy I still got a while to go... Damn man I envy you a little, your younger then me and can out bench/dead/squat I was winded doing ATG squats at 140 ...:( Good luck man and I'm going to steal your last meal :)!
  4. J

    What SUPPLEMENTS you guys take?

    ...Melatonin, you really need that much help to fall asleep? Morning... Protein shake Before workout BCAA Boost After Amylocen carb up & Creatine Mono & Protein
  5. J

    My ex-gf and another girl hate each other. Is it okay for me to hookup wit that girl?

    Stop acting like a pvssy for fvcks sake... Who gives a **** if she thinks it's revenge or not your not with her anymore so why should you care what she thinks of you? Why do you care if she starts rumors , she will come off as an insecure little b1tch .....I'm glad that guys are starting to...
  6. J

    How is masturbation and sex different?

    That's pretty funny.... Since I wear those desens condoms I can go for a while and I never get sore or feel weird ( I like to try to cvm more then once ) BUT when I jerk it and cvm more then once for some reason it feels like my butt hurts maybe after the 2nd or 3rd time. The calorie thing is...
  7. J

    What's the closest thing that comes to STEROIDS?

    If you want to go the safer route you can take beta-alayne and creatine combined ....should do the trick. But if your really into steroids I suppose make sure you know how to load and unload that stuff , if I was going to take it I would spend at least at year researching the stuff I was about...
  8. J

    Cardio - 7 days from your 1st mma fight, what to do?

    That's pretty cool that you are in the cage mad props, I am thinking about getting into it but first I am looking into disciplines to learn (Karate,Jui,Tae and the like) since I am real young still 20 and so IF and WHEN I do get into the ring at least I know lots more options. But what I think...
  9. J

    Tips on dealing with law

    Hey, I was looking around some youtube videos and for some reason I got sidetracked and started watching taser videos of cops. Now some of them are pretty fvcked up and the ego that some cops have for wearing a badge is getting out of hand. I remember reading a thread about some legal advice...
  10. J

    Girlfriend finds another guy "attractive."

    IF you were me I would just say... I dont want you hanging with him... Plain and simple, she starts *****ing just tell her how it would feel if I started hanging out with a girl I thought was cute....exactly she'd freak even if she say's no. Why are you trusting a girl in the first place...
  11. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Update; Been working out like usual and am soo damn sore on the lower half of my body (Leg day on friday). So then I decide fvck it im bored so I decided to go out for a little and since I was only going to be out for a little bit I decided to do the apoc opener since I was bored. I got some...
  12. J

    Cabo vs Cancun

    I'd watch out for Mexico right now due to the fact that the authorites over there are having major problems with the drug cartels/ gang's . I know cause I live like 4 hours away from the border and hear lots of stories , plus the fact that lots of people have been either attacked or kidnapped...
  13. J

    Cabo vs Cancun

    I'd watch out for Mexico right now due to the fact that the authorites over there are having major problems with the drug cartels/ gang's . I know cause I live like 4 hours away from the border and hear lots of stories , plus the fact that lots of people have been either attacked or kidnapped...
  14. J

    Break it down for me.

    I'll chime in since I was in the same boat as you... First....most of the guys in this little section dont really answer posts unless it's a journal ...I've noticed since I started coming into Health/fitness , so it might take a little while for the guy to answer you if they even answer at all...
  15. J


    I saw a sky yesterday, I thought it looked like a solstice so I would pass on that junk. If you like old cars you really cant go wrong with a cuda, I would stay away from the chargers since they totally destroyed the name. Mustangs are pretty nice the fastback and the mach1's are really nice...
  16. J

    GSP v BJ Penn, UFC 94

    The match was really good I thought and even though I was going for GSP because Penn was talking mad sh1t you gotta give him props he still has a belt so he' still a good fighter. I thought his brother threw the towel, I think penn wanted to keep going but his brother ended it because he wasnt...
  17. J

    Tecniques to prolong ejaculation during sex

    im not a expert but I use those desentizing condoms and can go for a while if I want I can hold it for a couple of hours
  18. J

    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    it was a pass and I think boldin caught it then once the play was dead the hit hit him hence warner just standing around
  19. J

    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    I never said that the Cards were the best in the league and if your going to use the patriots as a reference you have to understand that the cards are use to warm temperature ...they went into a damn snow storm of course when your out of your norm your gonna suffer...but the patriots are use to...
  20. J

    Why do most MMA fighters look so average??

    I thought it was because they did lots of cardio and endurance training since they have to go either 15 or 25 minutes but then again I wouldn't know