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  1. J

    Victoria's Secret

    (walks into store) her: hi... may i help you sir.. what are you looking for? me: how about something sexy in your size? -wink- her: -giggle- i don't think that's possible sir me: damn. gimme your number anyway, we should go for a coffee. her: evil ulterior motives eh. (makes sure...
  2. J


    yellowcard- only one pretty afc.
  3. J


    oh dammit. reminds me of a couple of songs that stick in my head and remind me of my ex. songs like i dont like to sleep alone and all i need is the air that i breathe. hahaha. yeah my afc days simple answer to a simple question dont listen to these songs. keep everything...
  4. J

    Eye Contact

    ask her out. but smile this time. please you realize that you were holding EC with her for 3-5 secs, and it will be considered staring becuase you didnt smile. its quite creepy to hold EC with someone who doesnt smile. all the best mate. smile. :D
  5. J

    Should I.......?

    go out with her dammit. jesus. why are you worrying about the alpha male thing? if you didnt go out with her, and take up on the hints she's practically shoving in your face, i would worry about stupidity on your part. all the best mate.
  6. J

    Escalating to a kiss with conversation in a club...

    this one i've used twice. 100% successful after talking with her/making her laugh for abit i do this, i lean in close to her and ask her if she can smell my aftershave/cologne :D in both cases both girls said it smelt extremely good. so now that she has broken down the...
  7. J

    Movies that might help

    "the importance of being earnest" funny flick. observe the two main characters inculcate the good, ignore the bad in the men, but its funny to see how they react to situations. you see them in AFC mode and suave mode in the show. a mixture.
  8. J

    Just broke up with my gf (need help fast)

    uh let me get this straight. you broke up with her because of her shi* personality but you still want to be with her so you can "pop her cherry" and becuase you have a feeling you wanna be with her? why would you feel you want to be with a girl whose personality is crap and now try to...
  9. J

    Phone Number

    yeah nothing lost, give her a call and see if she'll join you for a drink. all the best mate
  10. J

    get in here and rate this girl I'm hooking up with.

    damn. can someone please kindly PM me that revealing pic? :D
  11. J

    ive never been approached

    YOU APPROACH. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. you're not a woman. you don't sit on your pretty arse waiting to get approached.
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    yeah, if the sign is right in front of her and she cant see it, i would ask you to kick her out of your car like a hot coal that's residing on your seat.
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    The Correct Way to Number Close & Bridge

    :D well said man. understood.
  14. J

    Girl thats Sick?

    i skipped class one day, and i had to hand in some important worksheets to a professor, so i asked this HB7 from class to meet me so i could hand my stuff up on time.. she was sick with a cold and cough. now in winter time thats a horrid thing to be with. so i dont know. i did a really...
  15. J

    need some help here

    ok... uh. what do you mean by when she talks to you she seems uninterested? she doesnt hold eye contact? she looks at other things while talking to you? she brushes you off? wha? if its just minor things you may be analyzing too much. or she may be shy thats why she aint holding eye contact...
  16. J

    So, how'd I do?

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHA its amazing how you can ask if you failed. you did, by the way. never mind, other hotties out there... yep start off by reading the DJ bible, the articles are real useful and you'll know what not to do. the note gesture was very AFC. (Average...
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    my theory

    this is gonna be funny. left handed
  18. J

    going from high rapport to sex

    uh. i tried that. worked horridly. because the girl was more conservative and non *****ish when you're making out with a conservative chick... and things are getting really hot, then something like "i wanna make wild love to you baby.." works best for me. the girl suddenly morphed into little...
  19. J

    The Correct Way to Number Close & Bridge

    hmm, yeah whats the point in giving her your number? do tell
  20. J

    Opening car doors and pulling seats!

    i do it all the time (opening doors) however now that its summer girls don't really wear coats let alone jackets and i dont really do the pulling out chairs thing, its a tad too extreme for me just the doors and the coat thing will suffice for me :D