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    Field Report: The most pathetic mall ever

    sounds a helluva lot like my ****ty mall
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    HSDJ Mentor System

    Age: 17 Time spent at this site: 1 hour or less per day Country of residence: New York, USA What you want out of being a DJ the most: fearless self confidence E-mail: I will do anything and everything it takes to achieve my goals here.
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    Vote for a Mentor

    Brazilian Blues Boy, Matrix reloaded, and crazykid.
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    nothing to do

    I have the exact same problem. I posted about it a few weeks ago and got no real responces. Sorry.
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    DJ Mentor system

    Sammo, you are lighting the forum on fire with your good ideas. I like this one alot. I have no wingmen or people who I could really talk to about this kind of stuff. I am sure tons of other people feel the same way. Between this idea and the bootcamp there will be more than enough support to...
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    My Bootcamp, join if you want! (Course description)

    ive been in a rut lately this looks like just the thing i need sign me up!
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    I've got a car. Now where do I go?

    I just got a license and a pretty nice car last week. I figured that it would be great because I would have the freedom to go wherever I feel like. But, I have no idea where to go. I've already hit my local mall last saturday and today and fould very little in terms of girls to interact with...
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    The HSDJ Bootcamp

    im in also
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    Funny Story about GNC

    Funny stuff. One of my friends does the same thing but takes it ten steps futher and does it to high end electronics retailers. He replaces computer parts with older models puts them back in the box and politely asks for his refund.
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    The Ultimate Cologne Poll.

    I use Lynx (called AXE in the USA) when I dont feel like wasting cologne. Most people take a bath in the stuff but if you just use a little it smells just fine. BTW Im using CK One right now. I think obsession is way to strong
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    Right arm vs Left Arm?

    I've just started lifting and have noticed the same thing. My left arm (Im a lefty) is more powerfull than the right.
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    Techniques <-> DJ Board Example

    good stuff here
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    Cars, dating, and control.

    Not having a car sucks. I feel like sh*t having my mom or dad drive me/pick me up everywhere. What makes mattars worse is that one of my friends already has his license and a nice car so he is mackin it hard right now while I get to sit in the child seat in my dad's car. Compared to some other...
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    Too Heavy Weight on Your Bench Press

    No, Im from NYC.
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    Too Heavy Weight on Your Bench Press

    Yup, it was on my local news about a year or two ago. Some kid from Long Island was lifting when no one was in his house and got in over his head. His mom found him dead with the bar crushing his neck (I think it was his neck I dont really remember) So be careful.
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    Neck muscles

    Im no expert but there are special workouts that focus on the neck. I dont know the routines but im sure one of the guys here is bound to. A strong neck is vital in openwheel racing esp. Formula 1 to combat g forces, they have developed special workouts and even neck strengthening machines (if...
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    What is the Ideal Dj "CAR"

    In my opinion as a car guy I'd say that there are many DJ cars. Both of your choices : Ford T Bird (Im assuming you mean the new overpriced one) and the PT Cruiser are not good cars at all. The way I see it a car buyer has three choices 1. Luxury car: That means euro or high end japanese...
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    Help me get rid of my pencil thin wrists

    Ok sounds like its not possible to do just what I want. Ill give a look at the bulk up guide as you guys suggested. Thanks.
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    Help me get rid of my pencil thin wrists

    I'm a tall and skinny guy about 5'10'' 130lbs and I have these really thin wrists and lower arms. Any advice on how I could bulk these up? Thanks.
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    Smooth's Mental Examination !Part 1!

    very good post, so is #2!