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  1. H

    How to get your ex-girlfriend to get over you, without unnecessary hurt?

    You think you're getting any money back? :crackup: Its not your responsibility to help her get over you, and there is no way to do it anyway. She'll find herself a new cok soon enough, trust me.
  2. H

    hanging out with girls and going on dates feels like a hassle

    maybe you shouldnt be so predictable yourself?
  3. H

    What exactly is a "douchebag" or a "tool"?

    All you have to do is google 'douchebag' images, and you will get the results. End of discussion.
  4. H


    Thats one thing Im looking forward to with mine!
  5. H


    This is interesting, because my older ex-rockstar buddy says the same thing about strippers. He claims they treat their bf's like kings. I got one as a plate right now, that I haven't fvcked yet, mostly because of schedule differences. She claims that she was going for a full year (in march) of...
  6. H

    4 prior bangs have married in past year

    Ever seen Good Luck Chuck? work it!
  7. H

    Dirty pics

    My family would be proud!
  8. H

    Masculinity and Homosexuality

    If you're looking for an excuse to go suck a dyck, go right ahead. Seriously though, that was a CULTURE thing, not a masculinity issue. Spartan women tried to look like men on their wedding night, so they could ease their husband into heterosexuality. Thats just what they did then and there. It...
  9. H

    Dirty pics

    How could it possibly bite you in the ass? Its a picture of your dyck. Do you think someone will be able to identify it? Funny this thread is up. Im in the middle of a great text based seduction involving a picture of my dyck in a bowtie. Saturday night (Xmas): This girl briefly worked as a...
  10. H

    How to get back a BPD ^^

    urdoinitwrong That reeked of forced jealousy seeking. Girls can not only see through that, but will immeditely go bang another gujy to do it back to you. FAIL.
  11. H

    Texting Tips This is everything you need to know.
  12. H

    Best Revenge Ever on the EX that dumped you.

    Dont call me Shirley.
  13. H

    How to get back a BPD ^^

    Wow. If you're that much of aglutton for punishmetn I will tell you that to get a BPD back, all you need to do is walk away from them, wait for them to chase for a while, then give in. THEN, a month later when they realize they got you back, and they dump your ass , you can rinse and repeat.
  14. H

    Girls Says I Sexually Harassed Her...By Giving Her a hug

    COUNTER-SUE!!!!!! I dont know if its slander, or defamation of character or something else, but this is America, and if she can sue you for BS, then, so can you. How's that for Ghengis Khan tactics? She started a WAR... Destroy the bytch! For yourself, for us SSers, for ALL OF MANKIND!
  15. H

    A good rule or a bad rule?

    I think thats a stupid rule. Any number of elements could have caused her to reject you. She may have just broke up with a BF, she could have been very busy. You may not have raised her IL enough at the time. ... But, if you want to limit yourself, go ahead.
  16. H

    This is as real as sex talk gets with an attractive female.

    Oh, wait... I got a better one: the next time she's nagging you or bytching about something stupid, say "You know... You're really sexy when your mouth's closed."
  17. H

    This is as real as sex talk gets with an attractive female.

    I think you should wait until the next time you have a blow out fight, and say "Damn, you're sexy when you're pissed." lol. That'll ruffle her feathers!
  18. H

    Friends with Benefits

    Dont ever explicitly tell a girl you want sex. Just let it happen. And dont ever pay attention when girls say they aren't ready for a relationship. They usually end up in one, three days after they shoot you down. just play it off like you are cool with whatever, and act completely non-needy...
  19. H

    No Gift On My Bday ...

    What a needy little bytch you are!
  20. H

    Critique my opener for moving targets

    Bullshyt, bullshyt, bullshyt, bullshyt. Thats ok. Its direct, and to the point. 50/50 chance of going good. Its definitely better than doing nothing. Field test ten of those, and report back, soldier.