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  1. R

    is it me or do afc's get girls?

    you're right. AFC's sometimes do get hot girls. but continue reading and you'll discover that once the AFC has his hot GF she will eventually get bored with his wussyass AFC, uh, ass. AFC's are used by girls. you need to go out there and get some field experience. i can assure you that if you...
  2. R

    once ur in a relationship...

    have fun with it, but please don't become pvssywhipped. nobody likes those guys after that happens. also, you can lighten up on the mysteriousness (is that a word?), but keep her guessing/on her toes. you shouldn't need to raise the interest level too much, but you don't want to let it fall by...
  3. R

    Question about SITUPS...

    Find an alternative to sit-ups. believe me, there are tons of them out there. in fact, sit-ups/crunches are some of the least effective exercises for toning abs. find an exercise with little movement (isokinetics) or something that puts little strain on your lower back. good luck
  4. R

    I wonder what kindsa women you're all getting...

    *sigh*, i just can't seem to keep those pesky 9's off of me. i mean come on, i have a girlfriend here (9.7+ ;) ) hehe, shiat's awesome right now!
  5. R

    Got everyting... and a slight problem

    listen to 20P02. also i would just like to add that you should read my post again, and take it to heart, and understand that i'm being completely serious, and that i spent (but now understand that i wasted) some time to write that out in an effort to help a fellow man. so if you're going to be...
  6. R

    How many of you write posts to actually help people?

    I'd like to think i'm helping people. i agree that an online respect-hierarchy is kinda dumb, but whatever. but, last time i tried to help a brand new DJ, i wrote like a long paragraph, and spent like 30 minutes of my time trying to help this kid out. however, in response i got an ear(kinda)ful...
  7. R

    damn youngins

    hmm, just to add to what REDblueOI said, in his attempted recollection of your accounts, try to good old dryhumping/bumpin and grindin/dryfvcking/pulsing. whatever you call it, it usually works very well, maybe too well, causing the two of you to lose yourself in the moment. esp well the closer...
  8. R

    Reloaded: The Series... Uncovering Victoria's Secret

    w00t! w00t! that was damn inspiring and informative. however, i do think that i may have been misled by the great posts, let's all get out there and show those biatches who's boss... muhahahaha!:cool:
  9. R

    damn youngins

    IMHO... WTF?
  10. R

    Got everyting... and a slight problem

    ways i sees it, you have two (no, three) options: 1. you become fvckbuddies 2. you ask her out 3. you do nothing and eventually nothing will happen and you will both be sad anyways, with that said, you're going to need to do something, or one of you will likely lose interest or give up...
  11. R

    How to get her hand down there?

    The mushroom slap never fails!!!
  12. R

    How to get her hand down there?

    or you could always try this one (you better be DAMN comfortable with this chick to say this): "stop dycking around you pvssyassmotherfvcker, what are you waiting for?" (pun is about 50% intended, maybe, i think...?) hmm, i give it two thumbs up, but try not to get kicked in the nuts. who...
  13. R

    How do I control my friend?

    yeah, good advice. maybe that's why. i'll tell him that if he doesn't go out with her, i'll punch him in the neck.
  14. R

    Do You Get Hard While...

    ooo. derrr, that's what i've been needing to know for a while REDblueOI. it's just that i needed to know how to get herrrd quick, and now i know. i even knew about kegels and such, well ok, thanks
  15. R

    How do I control my friend?

    yeah, i think i'm gonna give up. my friend hasn't been acting all too heterosexual lately anyways. well whatever, i guess the whole girlfriend-boyfriend's-friends-girlfriend-boyfriend relationship just isn't meant to be sometimes. whatever, i'll kick his ass for being a pvssyass afc anyways. thx!
  16. R

    How do I control my friend?

    well, now that i think about it, it is pretty funny. the deal is that if i got my friend to like this girl, and they had potential to go out or something, shyt would be a lot easier to work out. neither me nor my girlfriend drive, but they both do, so if i could hook them up, getting rides and...
  17. R

    How to get her hand down there?

    try saying this as puppy-doggish as possible... "i think someone else wants some lovin' ... " muahahahaha!;)
  18. R

    What is love? I may have your answer.

    AH! i'm procrastinating homework right now to be doing this!? haha, sorry, good poem though. i think it may be a little too mushy for me to execute. hmm, better get started on that homework...
  19. R

    How do I control my friend?

    Okay, here we go. BTW, this post is not on how to control a female friend, sorry i'm looking for advice on how to 'manipulate' (i guess you could say) one of my male-friends. well, i know it may sound weird, but i'm looking for serious advice on how to get one of my friends to like a certain...
  20. R

    Pet Names

    "listen honey..." (thanks tenacious-d!) sweetcheeks dude biatch woman sweetie (i don't know how much i like this one... gotta use it correctly) sugarbuns sweet-thang hmm, my memory sucks, so i'll probably think of more later. pretty much anything works as long as it's used properly.