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  1. P

    cold approaching asian women

    B aware a lot of these women were former ho's or otherwise made their living off men..hence the stereo type I told you of earlier. .. Best to think of them as no better nor worse than whites..just different.
  2. P

    Im 26 and Im pretty much in sexless relationship

    Seems she's not into you. It's not likely to improve. Could be chemistry, could be you, could be her or her past. Doesn't matter. It won't get much better. Reach down with both hands, grab the handle firmly and yell three times: "EJECT, EJECT , EJECT!"
  3. P

    cold approaching asian women

    By exacting, I mean the conversations are usually not as frivolous and they are a bit more intolerant or unforgiving of uncaring, socially inept things or bs you may hear in a conversation between a white woman and man. More purpose to the conversation the higher up the food chain you date...
  4. P

    cold approaching asian women

    Uber, I wouldn't change up what you normally do too much. Be confident, as others say. Dunno much about Australian culture but what I have seen, similar to the US. I would add: be neat, clean, and more exacting in your conversation. Come across as intelligent, responsible, and if possible...
  5. P

    cold approaching asian women

    Prime_beef is married to an Asian. Ive dated many. Filipinas, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, South Asians, and many white, black and latin women. The other poster stating they're all the same is close. They want the same thing. I would say the average Asian immigrant is a bit more serious in her...
  6. P

    Validation - how my SMV skyrocketed

    Not cruisers, Harleys. Harleys get the panties wet. I got over 360k on bikes, never fails. Recently rode to my wife's work (at a school) and the broads saw me pull up, in leathers, sauntered into the office and asked for my wife. Had my ring, heavy gold necklace. Wife said the hens were...
  7. P

    dating a divorced woman

    And DON'T get her knocked up. There's a reason she's divorced..
  8. P

    Seeing other women on the side

    I'm a bit older than you Seen it all come and go, done more than a fair share of it myself. Doesn't matter what the reason is. Women cheat. Often. Biology. I don't think you understand, hopefully someday you will. People are not constructed for monogamy. The very shape of our c*cks is...
  9. P

    Seeing other women on the side

    "Men have a natural desire to screw around that women just don't share." Be careful with this one. Women are just as capable, willing and intent on it as you. Part of human evolution. You are very, very naive if this is the limit of your understanding.
  10. P

    So the divorce that I thought was going to be uncontested...

    this may be true But this is not the op's topic. He's seeking guidance, and post fact declarations of his prior choice doesn't help him and is off topic.
  11. P

    So the divorce that I thought was going to be uncontested...

    Consider taking a couple of days off of work and consult a dozen or more of the best lawyers. If she gets one of them you can claim conflict of interest because this lawyer has confidential information about you that impacts the case(even if it doesn't really) and she may have to get another...
  12. P

    Question: Why Not Just Screw Escorts?

    Mr.Tenacity, I "get" your arguement. I worked in "the Hood" for many years in a field which gave me substantial access to black families and women raising children. (Education/Social Work) Marriage for many I met was a pipe dream. It was unnecessary as the government supports women with kids...
  13. P

    Making the final push or not?

    Could also be another rooster in the hen house or a wish for one.. You might not be spanking and hair pulling satisfactorily. .
  14. P

    Warning: Child Support Until 21-22

    yep It's a system designed to suck money from men mostly. Prime_Beef, being older, has been there! Seen my ex wife get caught lying about never receiving support. Proof was provided in court, and the "judge " say "..well, you two owe 'x' for back welfare received, (tap, tap, tap..calculator...
  15. P

    Question: Why Not Just Screw Escorts?

    Hahaha! "If it flys, floats, or f*cks, rent it!"
  16. P

    What's going on with crude oil?

    Foreigners have an interest in lower prices..hence opec is not cutting production. Low cost will shake out many frackers. Fracking is also due to start up in other countries as well. By cutting price, many frackers cannot compete. Price will go back up, maybe not to th e highs, but up.
  17. P

    Help With Custody and Daughter's School

    Don't go off half ****ed, keep ur powder dry and say nothing until ready, after attorney. Generally cases don't flip unless there's demonstrated abuse or neglect, and your arrest record may be a real problem. See an attorney.
  18. P

    Help With Custody and Daughter's School

    Been here, done it. Suggest you talk to a lawyer. Make sure you find a good one. Best way for me was to sit and watch who came thru court before and after my issues. Be sure you ask lawyers about the judges they know, who used to work where b4 the bench, etc. Don't pick one out of the...
  19. P

    Finding A Foreign Wife

    It's not a good idea. Importing a woman is not a good idea at all. I've seen many of these marriages fail. Unless: -you have lived and worked in her country, knew the family, observed her actions for a long time. -married her there, lived there a few years as the marriage bond grew and knew...