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  1. D

    Detachment paradox

    You can't. If you are attracted to someone, you are attached. You can't detach yourself unless you chuck all of the things she attracts you by out the door, but then we wouldn't want her. You can LIMIT your attraction to her, by getting control of your emotions (the I really really want her bad...
  2. D

    Why can't I get a decent shave?

    Because hair is flexible. You notice how a hair bends when pressure is applied to it? Exactly the reason why you can't get a perfect shave, Your razor glides over this hair, and it catches (for idealist sake), the hair at an exact horizontal to the skin. As your razor moves though the hair, it...
  3. D

    Kissing a girl's hand when introduced

    I use a kiss on the hand to hook a brief moment, usually as a result of her laughing or something from me flirting
  4. D

    LR: 10 hours.

    Oh. I learn everytime something happens. I just won't realize it for a few months :) The key though, is that it helps out the newbies, because I'm telling them, well..what they should be doing.
  5. D

    LR: 10 hours.

    Yeah. I do my own little read all the time, and I'm usually right when I see interest. Welcome to CoI! :D AAA, CoI, APD
  6. D

    "So what do you think about me"?

    Everytime I got this line thrown at me, she's trying to assure herself that she's up to your standards. So, you tell her that you think she's cool, because if she wasn't, then you wouldn't be there talking to her. However, *pushes the on button for the rating system*, you got 2 points for...
  7. D

    No masturbation, does it really affect you in a positive way?

    Masterbation. Too much = Hard time cuming when you want to during sex. Same with drinking and hardness.
  8. D

    LR: 10 hours.

    Not required. Why might you ask? Because it's basic basic basic game. There's no hefty lines to throw up, there's no need to study 'pickup x-treme newbie guide ver 029. Nor, is there a requirement to show Silence of the Lambs. You introduce You make her smile. You show her you're not boring...
  9. D

    LR: 10 hours.

  10. D BASHING Article...

    Hey! All I see is that summary. I wanna see bashing.!!! :eek:
  11. D

    Need Music exactly like..

    ...The old Rap/R&B sound. Examples like the Not. Big, Tupac, Ice Cube (we be rich), that sound. Please, dump as much as you can. I have a huge craving for the sound right now :rockon::rockon::rockon:
  12. D

    Should I Make A Facebook?

    Pros - A LOT of people are on it. - People are actually willing to give out Facebook addys. - People will usually accept invites. I've personally only denied because I hated them. Cons - Profile customization is partly hardset - Applications can muk up a profile Get one :)
  13. D

    How To Get A Grl To Forget Her Ex Love

    Him or you. Whatever. Let her burn in her past. Bullllllshiit. Does your dream girl (not the girl you're yakking about) have any flaws? If you answer 'no' to that, then you'll never find a dream girl, because everyone has their flaws. However, if you answer yes, what are your dream girl's...
  14. D

    Advice on cutting finances/saving money

    What? Are you nuts. If you pay at the pump (at least up here in Igloo Land), for some reason, they HOLD about $90 off your credit card, each time. And to the guy that says saving is crap. Saving IS crap. I can stockpile $10000, but over time, it's only $10000. (or if you threw it in 3%...
  15. D

    Lindsay Lohan? bfd...

    *yawn*, when she took #1 on the Maxim Top 100... now mind you, she looks good in that photo, but that's assisted by god knows what, but man, the people that want her, want a woman (wait..), girl that can't even handle herself (rehab), looks sub-average in public and as far as I can tell, she has...
  16. D

    when a girl asks about sex

    Man, you guys think of some brutal questions. Like the above, she doens't need to know, or you can be honest, or you can round off. No big deal. If you're over 20, it's EXPECTED that you've had some.
  17. D

    Good comeback to "I miss you"!?

    Holy shyt. That's a hell of an impressive laugh :crackup: Props for that one!
  18. D

    Somebody yesterday posted a good opener

    There is a huge...almost an infinitely massive huge difference between something that can be expanded into yes, any of a infinite possibility, and a one liner designed to impact. Hi Hi, how are you? Hi, I'd just thought... Or theres.. Omg, you're so fly, I gonna drag you back to ground...
  19. D

    Somebody yesterday posted a good opener

    Here's a real basic opener for you. It's also the most effective opener. Hi.
  20. D

    Good comeback to "I miss you"!?

    Her: I miss you Me: Well, hit me next time?