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  1. R

    Be Brave

    What do you want? Money, Success, Tons of women. The first step is to define what you want and then go after it with unswerving conviction, outrageous enthusiasm, and intense confidence. That is how you attract these things to you. When you go after what it is that you want you immediately...
  2. R

    Make it automatic

    You are right reardonh! They are egoists in the purest sense and they have the brains to practice until they are Jordanesque, and like Tiger Woods. You know a DJ when you meet him because he doesn't flinch. He is always on top of his game. Go out there and Make it Happen!!!
  3. R

    "They got a name for the winners in the world....."

    Thought quotes: Why you want to be conscious of your thoughts: Thoughts are things/Your thoughts control your life We become what we think about all day long Your life is the result of your thoughts; you are the sum total of your thoughts to this point in your life. Thoughts held in the...
  4. R

    The Ideal Attitude

    Interesting way to put all of the things that make up a Don Juan. You are essentially telling everyone how great you are and you know what; YOU are right becuase "you are what you think". Good post especially for afc's trying to get the DJ mindset.
  5. R

    Make it automatic

    MAKE IT AUTOMATIC DJ'S!! HERE IS HOW: Most people cringe when they hear that word....PRACTICE. How about when you drove for the first time. Do you remember how awkward that was? Now you can talk on the phone, eat a hamburger, jerk off, tune the radio station, finger the girl next to you, and...
  6. R

    Be Selfish Agressive

    Yeah I agree great post. Being selfish also creates scarcity in other peoples eyes because you are continually doing what YOU want and we all know that when something is scarce it is usually valuable. Moreover, the idea of being selfish also creates a sense that you love yourself which breeds...
  7. R


    If you want to be more confident you don't need an affirmation just act as if you already are. If you want to be a millionaire just act as if you already are one and by your actions you will receive what is your due. Affirmations do work. But the easier way is to trick yourself into...
  8. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you

    Thanks Prince, You are on track if you are "Thinking" about what you are "thinking about. Get it? You have to start catching yourself thinking and determine if it is good or bad for you. I started writing down my thoughts a long time ago with the date and the time I had them and it worked...
  9. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you

    Allright this is not the place for politics, religion etc... Just go out there and make it happen! Regards, RD
  10. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you

    You are not looking at the results. If you can find a better way than explain it. We have the highest standard of living in the world. The reason why we wouldn't drop $$ in south central as opposed to afganistan is because everyone in america has the same chance. You can't move up...
  11. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you question are we better off than we were 100yrs ago? Are we living longer? Would you rather have horse dung on the streets of manhatten from the horse and buggies? Capitalism is the only social system that allows people to think what they want. Have you ever been to a hospital in...
  12. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you

    I have nothing to gain from being like everyone else. I have something to do and I am going to do it. Just for the record I am a capitalist.
  13. R

    How to get women to fantasize about you

    Just some things I have learned in my short time on this planet........30 years that is. To get the women wet and chasing after you, you must: Cast aside and steer clear of the much hyped common man, with his commonplace dreams and aspirations and strive to be something much MUCH greater...
  14. R

    Two types of people

    There are two types of people in this world, in my opinion and they would be; those who make it happen and those who don’t. Life is indeed insanely short. Think about how long you are alive on average…85 years, right?! That is about 31,000 days, unless you are 30 and that leaves you 20,000...
  15. R

    Get out of your box (and into hers)

    This was one of the most valuable things I have ever read in my life. This belongs in the DJ Bible, the Holy Bible and any other Bible. Thank you.
  16. R

    Overlooking Of Bad Habits With The Use Of NLP/SS

    picture in your mind how you think you would act if you really did make all of those changes and then act as if you already had and just like magic you will be a changed person. It is called the "act as if" principle from psyhcologist William James. Good luck, bro.
  17. R

    For all the questions about CONFIDENCE >>

    This was from a website about LEADERSHIP...i cannot remember the location. · People who believe things can't be done will go out and prove they are right. · There is no growth without discontent. · Your success is measured in your ability to complete things. · The best way for you...
  18. R

    Kino 2.

    I have found that if you touch the shoulder while you are talking intermittingly it works great. The lower back also works. Make sure it is spontaneous though. Don't overdo it. Usually, when I am working the women I am at the bar sitting next to them so my leg tends to touch theirs and...
  19. R

    THIS IS SO BIZARRE Read at own RISK>

    I have read that thoughts are real things and that they actually possess some form of energy and that when you think a certain thought over and over it actually changes the chemistry of your brain. Even if it is BS it is still better than some of the mindless dribble that is on this site from...
  20. R

    Thinking You’re The Prize is BS

    I have to say that before we act, we must think. Now thinking doesn't have to be the most crucial aspect but to the newer DJ's we have to get them in the right fram of "mind" which involves thinking a certain way. Doing is the most important aspect of being a DJ and I don't think anyone is...