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  1. R

    Post this on your bathroom mirror!

    I cannot take credit for these but I assembled some of my favorite one liner quotes to motivate me every day: ENJOY  People who believe things can't be done will go out and prove they are right.  There is no growth without discontent.  Anger is one letter short of danger. ...
  2. R

    These rules will give you charisma!

    Things I have personally learned: 1.You must become what you want to attract. Like attracts like. If you want confidence then act confident. If you want power act powerful. 2. Be scarce. When people are having a good time because of you, LEAVE. Always under stay your welcome. But be happy...
  3. R

    Doin' it Don Juan style

    I have been working a few broads lately and one of them in particular is Hot, 36 and a complete sex fiend but she has a friend that is a 10+. Now I have been doing the Hot 36 for about six months and I see her 10+ friend alot. But what do I do? I never, never, never hit on her! I do the...
  4. R

    The Rose that Grew from Concrete...

    um....wasn't he killed??for being a moron.
  5. R

    Don't try to do it!! Do it!!!

    Well Put!!!!!!
  6. R

    Atlas Shrugged- The greatest book in the world!

    Atlas Shrugged is the greates book ever written. In fact it is a philosophy by which to live your life. I posted this about a month ago that it was the number one book all DJ's should read. As for Marx, lenin et al.....The only political framework consistent with man's rights is...
  7. R

    Stirred Up The Hornet's Nest Over At with my "Tips"

    Precisely! Very well put. You are essentially saying be the Man everyone else wishes he could be. But when you actually go out there and do it, it works. And it works extremely well becuase women want a Man not a pu$$y.
  8. R

    must read books

    The 21 laws of leadership by John Maxwell is a must read as well.
  9. R

    Tanning Bed Question

    You WILL get cataracts if you don't wear some sort of protection. Wear them if only for 75% of the time.
  10. R

    Stirred Up The Hornet's Nest Over At with my "Tips"

    Right on Brother. But, telling people to get off this site is a bit hypocrytical isn't it, considering you are here posting. Anyway, I agree totally with you.
  11. R

    The Book of Shuma Gora

    This is absolutely amazing. I must commend you on what you have accomplished. I have only read bits and pieces because of time contstraints but it was truly moving. Regards, Ragnar Daneskjold
  12. R

    Create an unshakeable confidence!

    Lost, The whole concept of thinking involves a visualization in your mind's eye. So as your are telling yourself that you are confident you need to see yourself doing the things that make you confident. The human mind cannot tell the differance between reality and a very intense...
  13. R

    Women want to see this:

    Have no doubts with respect to your desired outcome and listen attentively to her. That is what women want and that was my point. :eek:
  14. R

    So you want to be a Don Juan?

    Well then my friend you need to be a man of profound Self-Esteem and you have to trust the competence of your own mind to deal with the problems of existence! You have to look at the world wondering what can be done and how can things be improved! You have to be an originator and an...
  15. R

    what brand?

    WHat is the best brand of creatine to buy?
  16. R

    Create an unshakeable confidence!

    The first thing you need to do is THINK. Thinking constantly about being confident will build FRAGILE NEURAL PATHWAYS in your brain, these will be strengthened by regular reinforcement of the thoughts. At night go to bed reaffirming that you are the most confident person anyone has ever met...
  17. R

    Become Legendary

    Right and I agree I am just saying that by virtue of doing all of these things and attaining your goals you will become a legend, thats all. I am not saying that should be your desired outcome because then you would be living for other people which is something you never want to do. Thanks...
  18. R

    Women want to see this:

    Ask her some open ended questions such as "What do you like most about ____________? and What are your hobbies and why? Get the convo going and then you can get all the clues you want because she will start saying things like: I love to go skiing. Then you say Really what do you like about...
  19. R

    Become Legendary

    Become a Legend. Women want to be with someone they are proud of. Even the smallest achievements can bring the beautiful bunnies toward you. How does one become a legend? 1. Start speaking in front of small, medium and large groups of people. 2. Take every opportunity to play sports...
  20. R

    Women want to see this:

    Women are emotional creatures therefore there can be no doubts in your presentation, any signs of doubt will cause an immediate emotion on HER part. For example, if you walk up and start acting scared and you can't strike up the convo, guess what...she is going to feel the emotion of insecurity...