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  1. S


    The way you care less about their opinions sounds butt-hurt over rejection because they chose the "kpop fag" over you. What you need to understand is....why the hell are you caring so much. If you truly have multiple women you are texting, then the actions of one wouldn't even phase you. Women...
  2. S


    You have to really understand women's nature. Flaking is merely part of their programing and not necessarily done as a **** test. It's a matter of you having multiple women you are texting, instead of just focusing on the one. Until you actually sleep with them, you do not mean anything to...
  3. S

    How to know if a woman wants to chase you or not interested in you ?

    I can tell by your story, of you being completely available to her for her beck and call, for long phone conversations and have not smashed yet. She is getting all kinds of validation from you. There is never any need to talk on the phone for any extended period of time with a...
  4. S

    Plate maintenance while she was quarantined due to contact with someone that got COVID

    You need to get more plates. The reason this girl was so into you was the scarcity of the last 3 weeks. Why would you think focusing on her now would make it better. Never think of the LTR; let the woman pursue that. Get more plates, continue to be scarce, and this girl will continue to be...
  5. S

    Is she testing me?

    You're putting way too much effort into trying to analyze her. I haven't seen anything about push back from her at all in your interaction. If anything, all I see is you unable to pull the trigger and striking while the iron is hot. Be the man she wants you to be and pull the trigger. Tell...
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    Girl i want to bang KEEPS msging me first but WONT meet up keeps making excuses

    You validate her every time you reply to her and try to make plans with her. By my count, you are close to double digits now.
  7. S


    I would agree to cut them off if you've already smashed and they still disrespect. But you have to put certain things into perspective. 1) if you have not had sex with a woman, you mean nothing to them. Women, by their very nature, will flake. Why take it personal? Just don't put too much...
  8. S

    Girl i want to bang KEEPS msging me first but WONT meet up keeps making excuses

    Why would she meet you when you've given her all the validation over txt and snap that she desires. Remember, women don't need sex to feel like they've've already given her the W without her having to put out. Guaranteed she already has a regular rotation of ****s to jump on when she...
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    Be The Hero | 5 Items Every Man Should Carry To Save The Day | Everyday Emergency Preparation

    1 & 2 are definites, I personally pass on the others.
  10. S

    She asked if I'm free but then didn't respond? WTF?

    ^, your analogy isn't fully accurate. The response is the issue. OP, you are a man of high value; you are always wanted; you are always busy. That needs to be your frame at all times. A more simplistic response should have been "what's up". But in the end, women are women. No point in...
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    S**t where I ate, caught oneitis. Round 2?

    OP, reading this post infuriates me at times because you seem to ignore the advice that so many have given you. However, we have all been there at one point or another, so I can sympathize with you. Here's the bottom line: do not stop approaching. You met a girl, she flaked, so you NEXT her...
  12. S

    Girls being defensive

    OP I think you're putting too much credence into it. Women are moody and you won't be able to figure them out. What you should be asking yourself is, why does it matter? It does not. There is no benefit in going down that line of questioning, has no relevance to you, and is ultimately a turn...
  13. S

    Age Difference

    Take heed and do not forget this: age is meaningless to women. Whereas men are attracted to youth and beauty, women are not. Looks are merely one facet of attraction for women; a man's strength, ability to provide & protect, and confidence weigh just the same if not more. With this in mind...
  14. S

    Text experts only how do I progress this chick onto a date?

    Couldn't have said it better myself Trump. And as for OP, listen to what everyone hs been telling you. This chick is not interested. Get over it. Your frame is already blown. The only salvageable action, which is quite slim, is stop txting her for a few weeks, then hit her up...
  15. S

    Girl playing phone games?

    Use the rule of 2/3s. For every three txts of hers, you send back at most 2. For 30 words in her txt, your response should be no more than 20. It's a rough guideline, but is a good start. Ultimately, your end state needs to be where you are not asking these types of questions, because you...
  16. S

    Girl playing phone games?

    Good, glad it played out well. Couple notes: you guys aren't dating yet, no need for 2 hour long conversations. All the getting to know you convos need to be done in person. Granted this is a first, don't make a habit of it. If she gets all her emotional itches scratched by you over the phone...
  17. S

    Am I being played for a fool?

    Stop being her emotional tampon. Take a squat or get off the ****ter. Make a move on her the next time; you will have your answer then. Either it elevates, or you go no contact afterwards; end of story.
  18. S

    Girl playing phone games?

    Do not apologize. Do not set a time to call. Call when you want to call, end of story. When she doesn't pick up, then so be it. If a chick is interested and wants to talk to you, they will move mountains to do so. You gave her a time frame...where is the mystery and excitement in that?
  19. S

    Slept With Her, But Now What?

    You are nothing special my friend. Run from this trainwreck now. You are way too emotionally vested at this point, she is not. Although you think you act aloof and non-committal, your story says differently. Stop trying to justify your actions by continually saying you don't want to hurt her...