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  1. T

    Black pill fantasy

    I never got a single girlfriend out of a social circle. Every LTR resulted of meeting women in nightlife or OLD. I have to add that i am not the most sociable guy and rather introverted, but loud clubs and OLD worked out just nicely. What i would try today instead of the nightlife, is meeting...
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    Black pill fantasy

    Give men equal rights at family courts and you would see divorce rates soaring to an alltime high. After that first shock, were the women would lose their **** about being dumped by their husbands left and right, women would learn a lesson about the error of their ways and that they are not the...
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    Black pill fantasy

    He lacks confidence (has psychological obstacles to overcome)
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    Black pill fantasy

    A lot of misconception comes from certain redpill-gurus on youtube. These guys permanently paint an image of the "high value man" (6ft, 6 figure income, 6pack etc.etc.) that 99,99% of the guys out there will not achieve. What the blackpilled brothers here have to see is, they dont have to be...
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    Days after date

    Is it "that one chick" or do you talk about "some chicks" meaning this happens frequently to you? If you think you are going towards a relationship, id be curious what she is doing during these "pullback-days". For a highly interested woman this behaviour is atypical. She could still be in a...
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    Biggest turnoffs from her on 1st dates? (2021)

    I repressed this one..... it wasnt a first date but i was in a club with friends and that girl came up to me. She was good looking, id say a 7, 24 years old, really polite and nice. She told me she saw me from over there and had to come over to say hi. So, we had 2 drinks and talked. During the...
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    Biggest turnoffs from her on 1st dates? (2021)

    There was that girl..... a clean 8, well dressed, nice too, no kids, a job. We met for a drink and cinema(YES!!!! :devil: ). She smoked like a chimney though,which might have been not a show-stopper, BUT she then threw in a pair of fruit chewing-gum. So all the time during the movie, i had her...
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    How do i deal with people who deliberately like to take away the girl you like?

    Dude...... 3 lessons to take from this mess: 1.) You are young, you will experience that "brotherhood" will only go so far with 99,9% of your friends and most of us men are lucky to find 1 or 2 REAL friends over their lifetime. There is only one person you can trust 100% and thats you. 2.)...
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    Semi-erection because of a lack of attraction

    Good point....... most opportunities i "passed" for whatever reason (pity, idleness etc.) , came back at a later point in life as "missed". As long as she isnt disgusting and you are horny, go for it. It happens..... fvcked a lot of chicks that i wouldnt call "hot", but a 5 and 6 need love...
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    How do i deal with people who deliberately like to take away the girl you like?

    Why are you so focused on THIS girl? Thats scarcity mindeset, read up on it. You are in her friendzone since 2 years and after your lately actions she will most likely see you as a needy beta-orbiter that gets annoing. Its also not your "brothers" fault that this girl isnt into you. She never...
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    Gym game: if your cardio is on point, women will give you that look of wh0rish lust

    Every healthy man should be able to run 45 minutes at a moderate pace ..... that said, look like these guys and you be the wet dream of 99% of the women:
  12. T

    "How old are you?"

    The 25-range still asks.... :D At 34 there was that chick in a club, came over to me, pretty interested until i told her my age, she was 21. At that day i changed tactics. Nope.... you dont lose once you fvcked them. They will be good with any age you tell them from that point on. And not...
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    How are normal guys able to get women to submit

    There are only 2 options: 1.) Be a beta provider 2.) Become a higher value man (Top 20%, keep in mind that this sounds more difficult then it is with todays competition)
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    "How old are you?"

    Her: "How old are you?" Me: "What do you think?" Her: " 35?" Me: "Good guess! :) (being 42 and changing topic)"
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    Pep talk needed - GF cheated

    Dude, get her the hell outa your mind! She is a lying biatch and you caught her cheating this time but that doesnt mean she hasnt cheated on you for the last year! She wants babies with you because she thinks you are becoming her beta cuck that pays the bills. Fvck it.... for all you know she...
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    Started off rocky,but......

    Good to hear your date went well! A 16 year old trying to jump on board last minute on his mothers 1st date with a stranger is odd, what kid would do that? Either she made this up or the kid is weird. In any case, red flag! Let us know how this story continues.!
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    How to Be a Gentleman... But Not a Nice Guy

    Be aware that Hollywood tells you nice stories, not how to get and keep women in 2021.
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    Women with beautiful imperfections

    I am into pretty chics with scars.
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    What's your story?

    I am not happy with her, i am happy with my kid. I dont trust her anymore and she is still paying for what she did. Women change once there is the ring and the kid. A lot of them feel empowered due to the legal system giving them all rights and they think they can boss you around and you cant...
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    What's your story?

    My story I took the redpill 2018, when i found myself in ****ty marriage and didn’t know what hit me and how i got into this. I was raised by Hollywood, believing the white knight always gets the girl if he just tries hard enough, puts in the effort. My father didn’t teach me anything of use...