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  1. T

    Ideal penis length - according to woman

    I guess this is why every dildo you can buy is 12" and nothing smaller gets bought by women.... And a woman taking the 8+ dyck without moaning doesnt mean she prefers it, she might be telling the man what he wants to hear, as many small-dyck-carriers might have got told that size doesnt mather...
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    Ideal penis length - according to woman

    Thats why i wrote "8+"
  3. T

    Ideal penis length - according to woman

    For every big-cokk-lover you will find 5 women that wouldnt let you "all in" because it hurts them. 8+ cokks are a niche-product for selected customers that also like to get gang-banged and fisted, not for the majority of women that will put their hands between the two of you to prevent you...
  4. T

    She wants a second public date before coming to my place.

    I am dying to hear what she has to say...... while i can see the point in ghosting her, i´d rather try and play the beach as she tried playing you. As long as you dont trust her(voice record next meeting with your phone) and dont give **** about the outcome, use her for practice and see if you...
  5. T

    Save yourself before its too late.

    Yes, i know the beast is still in her, biding its time until she sees herself in a position of power again. But this point will hardly come back. I work on improving my position every day and the older my boy gets, the even more independent i am going to be from her. She wasnt able to weaponize...
  6. T

    Save yourself before its too late.

    From all i heared and read by now, i am surprised too. I guess she knows damn well that she cant do better then me as a 40 y.o. single mom. The fact that she earns more money then me and that she has no legal rights on my house helped in denying her the financial leverage. I made it clear that i...
  7. T

    Which hole is the correct one?

    A STR girlfriend once told me she doesnt really care which one as long as one of them gets filled. That was good enough for me!
  8. T

    Why are Foreign Women so Much Better?

    Because non-western-world-women do not get pampered by society, courts, governments and media. They actually need to make an effort to be the best version of themselves and thats why they are so much better. Just like we are so much better then the AFC because we make an effort to be the best...
  9. T

    What a woman’s shoes tell you

    Landwhales dont fit in highheels. The slippers are good though, got the exact same model/colour for home.
  10. T

    Save yourself before its too late.

    My wife came back with my kid 3 weeks after she moved out to her parents, begging me to take her back in. Attraction was not the issue, because she kept pushing for sex all the time, even just before she moved out. Respect was a bigger problem though. She started bullying me and my family when...
  11. T

    My girlfriend thought meeting up with her ex was a good idea

    THIS! Or seeing any other dude, she can get a hold on...... your GF might try the monkey-branch-move.
  12. T

    Is she interested?

    I was there..... the woman in question was living in a city 1,5 hours drive away. 1st date was in that city for a few drinks, nice conversation and goodbye, which is okay for me. She came to my place for 2nd date, stayed overnight Sat/Sun, we cooked, drank wine, watched a movie..... i escalated...
  13. T

    Is a man being a "fatphobe" for not wanting to sex his girlfriend because she's fat?

    What i dont see in this article is her actual weight. She states that she has been recovering from eating disorders and therefore put weight on. So this woman might as well have been suffering from anorexia, putting up 35lbs and having a rather healthy weight now, while her boyfriend only gets a...
  14. T

    Field Report No. 02 - "Drink date with FWB, tongue kiss, no fvck, potential Epic Fail"

    ^This! Dont talk about sex on first date. You did well in getting her to kiss you. Next move should have been to get her to your place for "netflix", "cooking" or whatever and from there escalate again. If she declined, no harm done, 2nd date would have been fun-time. I never escalate...
  15. T

    Getting Tired When Going Out

    Being and introvert myself, could you be to a certain degree? As i understand one can even become an introvert at a later point in life. Introverts find it draining to be in crowds and they hate usually hate "meaningless conversation".
  16. T

    Other guys hitting on date

    Why? Why did you bring her to a "get together"? (who "got together"? family? friends?) She isnt your girlfriend right, so where is the point? Only LTR-status-women get to family meetings and if you were just meeting guys to have fun, again, why bring a woman(plate)? What would there be to...
  17. T

    Lusting Over Average Girls!

    I dont like overweight girls.... but that hourglass-shape can light me up! Little imperfections can be the spice on a woman.
  18. T

    Black pill fantasy

    6+ is achievable, keep putting in the work, open up new hunting grounds. What would a 10 look like 10?
  19. T

    Pep talk needed - GF cheated

    This exactly! They not only re-write history, they will turn present reality upside-down to convince themselves they are doing the right thing. If you are bluepilled beta enough and let her work on it, she will gaslight you up to the point where you believe that you are indeed the abusive...
  20. T

    Best ethnicity of women?

    In my area we are limited to european women. There are almost no women of other ethnicities on the dating market. 99,99% of asian, african and arab girls stay in their social circles and dont date out of it. That said, for me its more of cultural reasons i choose a woman or not. Southern and...