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  1. M

    How to pay for College?

    ignorance, laziness, stupidity, apathy, same reason lots of people never do anything.
  2. M

    Enlisting in military tomorrow

    Nothing about my military service, per se, made any more of a man of me. It did put me in the position of paying for my karate training myself, in Korea, and coincidentally, gave me a safe haven while I did some growing up.
  3. M

    Read Ayn Rand, Albert Nock, Lysander Spooner

    that would depend upon the other's interests. The interests of the "common man" in Nazi Germany would cause me to splatter blood everywhere.
  4. M

    Ten things you wish you had figured out before turning 30 (or 25, or 40, or 50!)

    Find a way to have your own biz. There's no future whatsoever in working for ANYone else! They can die or go out of biz, get fired themselves, lose everything in a casino or a divorce or a court action. You have no warning of such things, and any one of which can your life, much less any control...
  5. M

    4 Undeniable Truths About Women

    not many women want **** from strangers, guys. they may want sex in general, now and then, but very, very few of them out and out seek it the way men do. They want a "connection", whatever that means to the individual chick and a guy with a lot of money and even better, a secure income, will...
  6. M

    Sex signals

    A friend's wife was sort of coming on to me a year before she finally just told me the score on the phone. I had no idea that she was serious, actually. She was 34 and wanted to get pregnant, most vehemently.
  7. M

    everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...

    it's sad that mere women/sex means so much to so many who call themselves men.
  8. M

    Starting college at 24: Yay or Nay?

    Do the 3 year army thing, and either get with Blackwater sort of outfit (150k a year) or save your Army money and build credit, then use the money and credit to buy-refurbish an old house in a seedy segment of town. Turn it into a rooming house, for 10+ men, at $100 a week. Live there at first...
  9. M

    Any magazines out there worth reading?

    Libraries are full of how to books, send for them thru the interlibrary book loan system, but what you want is :-)
  10. M

    Campus Project: What attracts women

    yep, she reacts to the "right" guy a helluva lot differently than to joe blow, and if she is "against" you, nothing you can say or do will make you anything but an ahole to her. She will take your money, all right, but she won't even smile at you or say thank you. In fact, she will put you in...
  11. M

    7,5 year in prison.. for driving the wrong direction

    not nearly as bad as 20 years for flying in or growig pot and THOSE sort of Federal sentences happen every WEEK, right here in the USA.
  12. M

    Sad that this is the realist hip hop song...

    easy to say stuff about somebody. the reason you don't show some illustrating quotes, etc, is because you are INCAPABLE of it.
  13. M

    Google for Masutasu Oyama.

    this guy's school is REAL karate, not that bs you see on UFC. If a REAL strike is delivered to floating ribs or collarbone, that guy won't be competing again for a year. :-) it takes months for those easily broken bones to heal, during which time you can't train worth a hoot.
  14. M

    For EVERY guy under 25 (hell, every guy) who has watched PORN

    obese is part of the overweight group. you don't add the 2. :-) never heard of the difference betweenb union of sets and intersection of sets, eh?
  15. M

    I'm better than you.

    US women are seriously screwed up. the ones that aint, have so many high grade men around them that you have no chance at all. Look at 3rd world women instead. All you need to do really, you have already got. That is to say, being male, so you can marry them legally, and your US citizenship, so...
  16. M

    He's Got Game, But His Body's Lame. Please Help.

    Your body does not stop growing until you are about 26 years old. Sounds like you might need testestorone injections, possibly even pituitary gland help. Get Arnold's books, from your library's interlibrary book loan system.
  17. M

    70/30 split business questions.

    I"d bail on the whole thing 'daddy does for me". It normally ruins the kid, knowing that he has something coming.
  18. M

    Trayvon Martin discussion

    The media LIE ALL THE TIME, about pretty much everything, and are ignorant the rest of the time, mostly. So saying something is "in the media" proves nothing more than that you are gullible and ignorant. U gotta do better than THAT, homeboy.
  19. M

    Men who chase simgle mommies - aren't you afraid of adding to her brood?

    I've got a vasectomy, but I don't want any woman with kids, or any US woman, for that matter. Who needs the hassle? the kids (or their baby- sitter )are ALWAYS interfering with your action. There's plenty of women who have had enough sense to stay childless.
  20. M

    Men have become disposable in the eyes of 'society'

    Jesus, you let a WOMAN whup on you? Sheesh. :-) That's sad, man. That will be the die that I suicide, if it ever occurs.