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  1. R

    Would you be mad if GF likes a pic of a guy she had sex with?

    Lol come on that sounds kind of silly
  2. R

    Would you be mad if GF likes a pic of a guy she had sex with?

    Means NOTHING? That's asinine. Of course Liking pics of somebody you've been involved with means something. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if you found out your GF was doing that
  3. R

    Would you be mad if GF likes a pic of a guy she had sex with?

    I'm no troll. It's an honest question and no it isn't the same question
  4. R

    Would you be mad if GF likes a pic of a guy she had sex with?

    Really curious. I'm also curious to hear from a female perspective too (Sacz). Let's say a guy (who your GF was once involved with not too long ago-- relationship or FWB) posts a selfie and she Likes it. Would that trigger any jealousy or internal rage?
  5. R

    Dating unhappy women

    No, unhappy in life. Meaning unhappy when they're single also.
  6. R

    Dating unhappy women

    You may have a point there
  7. R

    Still a chance after my neediness and jelousy ruined it?

    On the flip side, going NC after going beta is a sign of strength. A lot of guys will just pursue pursue pursue until the girl either blocks them, files a restraining order,or flatout tells them to go eff themselves. Not saying going NC will get them back 100% of the time, but it does show...
  8. R

    Does absence makes the heart grow fonder (after a breakup)

    I'd also say the odds increase if she has some type of mental illness such as BPD, or insecurity issues, maybe a history of revisiting to past relationships (romantic or platonic)
  9. R

    Still a chance after my neediness and jelousy ruined it?

    Do you think if he had a longer history with her she would've considered it more in the future?
  10. R

    Still a chance after my neediness and jelousy ruined it?

    I was once guilty of doing this. We weren't exclusive, and I got jealous when she backed away and I knew she was hanging out with other guys (you have to let her be free. If you're not in an exclusive relationship, she's free to sleep with whoever she wants. Trying to take that away from her...
  11. R

    Still a chance after my neediness and jelousy ruined it?

    I'm not trying to give the guy false hope, but if you have the balls to go no contact (most likely for an extended period of time) it's not IMPOSSIBLE for her to come back. I wouldn't bank on it, but not impossible. Over time, if she thinks about you, she'll remember the good times. Your problem...
  12. R

    I want my girl back

    First off kid, don't ever tell a girl that you were waiting for months to get with her. That's ultimate beta right there. I've been accused of being beta, but even I'll say that's very beta. You're still a kid so you have a lot to learn in life. But it's good to start young. Also, DO NOT buy her...
  13. R

    Does absence makes the heart grow fonder (after a breakup)

    Due to a recent thread somebody made, I'm curious to hear opinions on this. I'm not in this situation, so it's pure curiosity. I've heard that even if you go full beta and get dumped, if you go no contact fairly quickly, she will come back around at some point in the future (after sleeping...
  14. R

    Still a chance after my neediness and jelousy ruined it?

    Seeing the comments, I hope you're aware that most people on the Internet will tell you "there's no hope,move on." I feel alot of this is projection. You obviously fumbled the football and went full beta. From what I hear, even if you go full beta but you go no contact fairly quickly, she'll...
  15. R

    Coming Out of a Relationship with a BPD

    How did she dump u
  16. R

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    Well, through our ups and downs we've made it about 8 months thus far
  17. R

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    Me and my gf first met a few weeks after a badboy "alpha" douche she was dating played here. We were exclusive a couple weeks after we met. Do u suggest the same about her because we jumped in fast following her previous heartache?
  18. R

    GF re-adds an ex, harmless curiosity?

    Stop calling me a troll. What's your issue?
  19. R

    GF re-adds an ex, harmless curiosity?

    I'm still curious what u meant by this
  20. R

    Girl contacted me after 5 weeks after she said "we were in different stages of our lives"

    That's pure rubbish. She probably lost interest because of something he did or maybe there was another guy in the picture. Since he walked away, maybe something went south with the potential other guy and she's now gauging his interest again