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  1. R

    Men, Divorce Her!

    That really depends. No, most 45 year old men do not have higher SMV than a sexually attractive 45 year old women, whether surgically enhanced or not. A 45 year old man who has taken care of himself, stayed in shape, and is financially independent, can outclass most women his age. But an...
  2. R

    Dating your neighbor?

    If you're getting a distant, subtly antagonistic vibe from a girl on a date, regardless of whether it's the 1st date or she's your wife, don't react. Don't call it out, don't ask what's wrong, don't say "you seem negative" etc. Your mood, and your ability to have a good time, should be totally...
  3. R

    Men, Divorce Her!

    Men and women both inevitably get bored of each other sexually. It's just kind of how homo sapiens are wired. So if your wife surgically enhanced herself and is now getting attention from new men, and is considering reciprocating that attention, well, your marriage with this particular woman...
  4. R

    Men, Divorce Her!

    Some women also just change who they are in the relationship after having kids -- there's a significant, attitude-changing hormonal shift that comes with nursing and rearing infants. The romance ends, and the marriage's priority becomes the children. I'm 36, most of the weddings I attended...
  5. R

    Getting into 30's

    Keep in mind though -- 30's go by quick. Enjoy!
  6. R

    Hater move?

    Let me illustrate my sentiment with a personal anecdote. In college, I had a buddy who got sick of dorm life and decided to get a real apartment off-campus. His roommate was a 38-year old guy named Chance. Good looking guy, in good shape, and could probably pass for late 20's. Chance started...
  7. R

    Hater move?

    Correct. An older man attracting younger women as a function of a high-status lifestyle is different than an older man regressing into immaturity to give himself sexual access to those age groups.
  8. R

    Hater move?

    I'm not handing down set-in-stone commandments. I realize I have an opinion on the matter that others won't care for, or like. Especially those in the pickup/seduction community, or those who subscribe to the guidance that only women aged 18-23 offer anything of value to men. There's a golden...
  9. R


    And hence, low to middling interest.
  10. R

    Hater move?

    Nowhere in any of my posts did I say that a 60 year old is expressly forbidden from having sex with a 25 year old under any circumstances. There is nothing inherently wrong about consenting adults having sex, even with a 30-40 year age gap. But I'll respond in the spirit of expressing my...
  11. R


    Female flaking is a function of their interest level. Initially, interest level is not usually high enough to prevent flaking. So, expect it in the very beginning, especially with OLD. Once you've raised her interest level, the flaky behavior should stop. If it doesn't, you're not raising...
  12. R

    Do you think flaking on girls raises interest levels?

    I've never straight-up flaked on a woman last minute. I'm in control of my time as much as possible and I have basic respect for other people's time. Cancelling apologetically with as much advance notice as possible, and offering an immediate reschedule, has yielded good results. It shows that...
  13. R

    Getting into 30's

    Happy birthday, and welcome to the best years of a man's life.
  14. R


    Go Jets.
  15. R

    Hater move?

    Maybe lol -- but if he then used that line as a self-invitation to sit down and start chatting them up, that's a little weird. I personally believe that aging gracefully is accepting your age and not clinging to vestiges of youth. A lot of people react to that indignantly "fvck that, age is...
  16. R

    Hater move?

    It's possible that the older women were jealous and vindictive and wanted to punish this man for passing them over... I just think it was readily apparent, to all observers, that this man's behavior was possibly unwelcome, either due to his age, level of intoxication or simply by being an...
  17. R

    Hater move?

    I'm going with Occam's Razor here. Although I did not personally witness the incident, there is enough circumstantial evidence to assume that a man, who has been drinking alcohol at a bar, is proactively initiating interaction with sexually attractive young women because he's interested in them...
  18. R

    Hater move?

    The implication isn’t that an older man is forbidden from interacting with young people. This is specifically regarding an intoxicated older man attempting to initiate an interaction with a women 30-40 years his junior with sexual intent. If you can reasonably argue that this man’s only...
  19. R

    what do you think of this youtuber coach?

    Remaining “in state” likely requires frequent 30-second bathroom trips.
  20. R

    Not having sex with a woman because of long friendship

    I think if you’re a guy with a good pipeline of women, this isn’t something you’d be flip-flopping around on. You’d make a decision — no, she’s a friend and you’re not going to sink that friendship for a night of a$$, or yes, you actually have feelings for her and believe it’s worth risking the...