Search results for query: sexual market value

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  1. SW15

    video: "Redpill" - The Business of Exploiting Lonely men

    Over a 40 year period, 67 percent of first marriages terminate. First marriages typically end within 20 years.
  2. pipeman84

    video: "Redpill" - The Business of Exploiting Lonely men

    Are left out or have opted out? That's the big question. Between porn and hookers, why would most guys be on the dating market (apps, sites)? Male-female relationships are not simple arithmetic like that. Very few couples I look at 'make sense' according to the model which works for NBA and...
  3. Gamisch

    video: "Redpill" - The Business of Exploiting Lonely men

    The NBA metaphor is flawed, because unlike the NBA there are milions if not bilions of men who defied these stats for centuries. I agree to some extent that the odds are stacked against men, but hey, being a man isn't about living on easy mode. You tell men to be a NPC(blackpilled) imma tell him...
  4. SW15

    By 2030, 45% of American women will be single & childless

    Michael Sartain is well known for saying that 80% of men are invisible to women. Rollo Tomassi is well known for saying that the average woman isn't interested in the average man. You're correct that women are far more selective now than in recent decades in the past. Sexlessness has even...
  5. E

    Eros' 14 Ingredients Required to be a Great Lover Part 1

    ...lustful desires. In your actions and your words, you need to deliver this. It will make her feel incredible and depending on your sexual market value relative to hers she should feel flattered, happy, and honored that you chose her to make love to. A lot of men get worried that they will come...
  6. Manure Spherian

    Do men really have more time than women in the sexual market place?

    Of course they do. They are the suppliers of sex. Women do the choosing.
  7. Thebestthereeveris

    Do men really have more time than women in the sexual market place?

    If your a guy that knows this stuff on sosuave and actually applies it you will get laid more than rockstars If you choose and with hotter girls than them. Just as how theirs a disproportionate wealth system it’s the same with chicks. Most males are in poverty with women. But those who risk and...
  8. R

    By 2030, 45% of American women will be single & childless

    The goal of the deep state is to diminish the traditional family as well as population. They want more people dependent on government but there’s too many people to make that viable. Why do you think marriage rates are declining rapidly? Birth rates are following. If you don’t think the...
  9. Macadellic

    When a woman breaks up with you.... she lived with (she was in open relationship) told her she was spending too much time with me and he was getting the short end of the stick and to end it so she “Broke up with me” • three different Korean girls that were truly higher sexual market value than me at the time They broke up...
  10. Manure Spherian

    By 2030, 45% of American women will be single & childless

    @Money & Muscle @sangheilios spot-on posts! I’m glad people can understand serious societal ramifications of an unregulated sexual market, not just playing hide the weenie.
  11. Bingo-Player

    Gauging High interest which turns to low IL do you still follow course of action as if she was high IL?

    Happens to me a lot too and I know a lot of other guys its happening to aswell theres something much stranger going on than simple bad luck or coincidence Women know dam well they have the upper hand in the current dating market , so a lot of them tend to treat men with contempt especially...
  12. SW15

    Do men really have more time than women in the sexual market place?

    The typical male in his 30s/40s in the sexual marketplace is a pussie beggar who will end up settling for some mediocre to subpar pussie close to his own age. The SMV chart that men peak at 36-40 is complete crap. The typical 36-40 year old man isn't getting a girlfriend substantially younger...
  13. I

    Do men really have more time than women in the sexual market place?

    ...that men have longer to cash in on the sexual market I don’t believe its as easy as saying we have an advantage long term. Our sexual market value most certainly goes up longterm starting from a smaller base whilst women’s increase early on between their 18-25s then diminishes as they age...
  14. SW15

    Is there a height at which a man can otherwise be incel-tier, but still ascend solely on height?

    It's good that you're able to get laid at 5'7". I would expect a 5'7" man to be able to have sex with women 5'3" and under. The fact that you got multiple women taller than 5'7" is good. What was it like for you to have sex with a taller woman? A 5'7" woman is around the 80th-82nd percentile of...
  15. MatureDJ

    What's all the hate with the travel bros?

    The idea is to only import her after she has birthed your seed, and her Sexual Market Value to every other man has been sufficiently reduced.
  16. I

    10 Ways to Improve your SMV for better Daygame Interactions For young people entering the sexual market place improving SMV is a tough task even at the best of times that’s why I wrote this guide to how to improve men’s sexual market place value...
  17. I

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV It came to me the other day a post on my Instagram in reply to a reel made by The Natural Lifestyles dating coach Alex Leon. During which he claimed...
  18. SW15

    When She says she has a boyfriend

    Yes! This is why men need to use "Boyfriend Destroyer" lines in most situations. If a man is doing pickup in a place where he's not likely to ever run into the woman again (grocery store, mall, many outdoor settings, and nightlife venues) are good examples of this, then using the "Boyfriend...
  19. soulforge

    My 5 Weeks No Fap, Semen Retention, Zero P0rn Journey!

    Short term goal is, to have the strength & will to atleast figure out, what it feels like to not be a total wanker all of the time lol. Once I have experienced the pros/cons of no fap, then I can make the ultimate decision on how to proceed forward. After 5/6 weeks of no fap, I have come to...

    My 5 Weeks No Fap, Semen Retention, Zero P0rn Journey!

    What's your end game here bro? Your one of the older posters here, are you doing this to try and 'settle-down-max' at your highest sexual market value possible or something?