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  1. R

    She's Always Asking Why We Don't Text More

    That can come off as a little cold depending on the girl. Yes it’s direct, but these are always sent in an effort to build a connection and feel closer to you. If it’s excessive and needy then yes, call it out. I find that not responding to a meme text usually stops more being sent without...
  2. R

    Social media woes

    100%. No, and no. This is why I don't date 20-somethings these days or social media selfie wh0res.
  3. R

    She's Always Asking Why We Don't Text More

    You don’t need to reply to memes or texts that don’t necessitate an actual reply. I dated a woman who would send me dumb memes all the time and pout if I didn't respond to them. It was very needy. There is no woman in the world who will buy the “sorry I was too busy to text” line (and you...
  4. R

    She's Always Asking Why We Don't Text More

    She sounds needy. Even if her interest level is very high (usually the initial love-bombing phase) needy women quickly move on to more abundant sources of attention and validation when it becomes available to them. The best chances of keeping a needy woman around is to be a little needy back...
  5. R

    If a girl you are dating told you that she once dated a married man for over a year what would you do?

    In no one’s defense in particular, willfully violating the boundaries of a marriage on an ongoing basis, whether your own or someone else’s, is different than banging hookers or sleeping around casually without commitment. There’s nothing dishonest or morally reprehensible about hookers or...
  6. R

    If a girl you are dating told you that she once dated a married man for over a year what would you do?

    …so it was all his fault, she had no choice but to let him stick his penis inside her vagina on a regular basis for a year. This is a woman who refuses to accept accountability for her choices. “It wasn’t my intention, it just happened” type nonsense when a woman admits to cheating etc. It...
  7. R

    Wanna see another example proving The Wall is real?

    The red pill manosphere speaks of the “wall” as an immovable, insurmountable monolith that all women inevitably must “hit.” The “wall” is thus misogynistically gendered as a comeuppance to women -- retribution for being young and attractive and passing us over for Chad. There is no “wall”...
  8. R

    Wanna see another example proving The Wall is real?

    I don’t see the “wall” here. I see a relatively average-looking Caucasian woman who got fat. OP is from the south, so I think this is a regional/cultural phenomenon more than a gender phenomenon.
  9. R

    List of attractive points you can work on

    ...vestimentary style? Elocution? Huh?
  10. R

    What now ?

    The idea that happiness is only achieved by monogamous mate partnering and self-replication of genes is a doctrine that has been ingrained into you for your entire life. I'm in your boat -- 37, no wife, no kids, no plans on either, but sometimes the desire. Most of my old friends faded away...
  11. R

    To lie or not to lie about age on dating profile?

    I think this thread simply acknowledges that OLD is entirely appearance-driven and that men are also allowed to take few liberties to put their physical appearance in the best light. “Taking a few liberties” occupies a gray area, yes, but extending that to lying about your age, your occupation...
  12. R

    Cute chick vendor at the fleamarket by my store

    A 16 year age gap is pretty big. Anything over 10 years is significant.
  13. R

    To lie or not to lie about age on dating profile?

    It’s only rape, criminally, if the sexual act itself was committed without mutual adult consent. So whether adult consent was not given because one party was physically coerced, incapacitated, or not an adult, these cases can be tried as rape. In the Me2 era, there’s been a disturbing...
  14. R

    To lie or not to lie about age on dating profile?

    I guess if someone posing as a minor online banged a minor, it would be statutory rape.
  15. R

    To lie or not to lie about age on dating profile?

    Embellish your stats within the bounds of plausible deniability. For example, I’m 5’10, but I’m 5’11 in shoes, so I put 5’11 on my OLD profiles. No girl is going to balk at that when actually meeting me in person. Rounding up your height to the next inch is fine in my book. Telling people I’m...
  16. R

    Words from a guy with a younger wife

    The Tomassian myth I refer to is that: 1. Women's only value to society is bearing and raising offspring, therefore, women not between the ages of 18-25 (peak fertility) are effectively worthless to men. 2. Men who have achieved peak social status have earned their right to mate with women...
  17. R

    Once You Date A High Interest Girl You can Never Go Back

    This is her body more or less, not fat but yeah. I’ll get some head from it. I hooked up with a really hot Filipina with a nasty vag odor. It’s not exclusively a fat thing or a bad hygiene thing. Some women just stink.
  18. R

    Girl I'm dating seems very moody lately

    When I read "she blocked me" I was going to tell you that she'd unblock you soon. Looks like you already have that update. She's just acting out and being petulant, trying to get a reaction from you that will draw you into her emotional state and validate her. Don't give her that reaction...
  19. R

    Once You Date A High Interest Girl You can Never Go Back

    I can't say I agree. I met a girl on OLD a few years back, she was a curvy, doe-eyed Puerto Rican. She let me finger both her holes on the first date, on a park bench, while we were making out. She had extremely high interest. When her clothing came off the first time we had sex, I discovered...
  20. R

    Will smith is getting raped in the media!!

    Marlon Brando was a voracious bisexual. Not sure what the consensus is on alpha males who suck d!ck and take it up the a$$, but that goes to show, these men are all actors.