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  1. R

    WTF is going on with the world and this non-binary crap??

    Are we talking about people -- grown adults who are able to make decisions in their own best interest -- or children? That's the crux of the debate here. At what age do we allow a person to determine a gender identity for themselves that isn't what they were "assigned at birth?" I've given...
  2. R

    Should you hide being rich?

    The fear of gold diggers is irrational for 95% of men. All women are attracted to men with resources. The ability to provide appeals to a woman's emotional nesting urges. This doesn't make her a gold digger. This doesn't make her shallow any more than desiring a young, pretty girl makes you...
  3. R

    Gray hair: keep or dye?

    My brother was salt and pepper by his late 20's. I think it's a good look for him. It's helped him in business as well. I'm 37, with a little salt on the sides, but at my age I wouldn't mind some more. My vote is that men should never dye their hair. It's vain and feminine. You've got elderly...
  4. R

    Get mad because I didnt answered her (attention) properly

    It sounds like you're on the path to self-improvement, seeing a therapist to manage your trauma and anxiety. This is essential if you want to have healthy relationships. I strongly recommend you read this book. I read it and it was full of...
  5. R

    I feel like the luckiest man alive right now. Should I be worried?

    Dude-- you posted a thread on a forum asking "my relationship is amazing, should I be worried?" You got real answers from more experienced men telling you to manage your expectations when a woman is lovebombing you, and now you're getting butthurt? So either you're gloating into an echo chamber...
  6. R

    Should you hide being rich?

    You do you.
  7. R

    Should you hide being rich?

    The "lover/provider" dichotomy is more of a behavioral set, not a socioeconomic station. The "lover" is the physically attractive and/or dominant, confident, "alpha" male that sexually attracts women. The "provider" is the compliant, subordinate man who emotionally attracts women by appealing...
  8. R

    Bye bye gains :'(

    My advise is to do everything your doctor tells you to do, to the T, for as long as he tells you to do it. It takes weeks of inactivity to lose your muscle gains. This wasn't a digestive issue, but I had wisdom teeth removed earlier this year (the first night was truly a test of my pain...
  9. R

    HB7.5 The Ideal Girlfriend?

    7-8 purely on the way she looks in this particular photo.
  10. R

    Get mad because I didnt answered her (attention) properly

    You come off here as needy, insecure, reactive and controlling. Your emotional state depends on her. Not only that, but you actually get angry when she doesn't text you 'good night.' Going from above. You are way too reactive to her. You are not calm, centered, and stable. Women are emotional...
  11. R

    When a woman says “don’t touch me.”

    That's SS. You've got guys here with a growth/improvement mindset, and you've got guys here who just resent the sh!t out of women.
  12. R

    I feel like the luckiest man alive right now. Should I be worried?

    You're in the honeymoon glow, and her interest level in you is now very high. All relationships begin this way. Her lovebombing is not a reflection of your relationship -- it's a reflection of her current emotional state. Which will change. Women's emotions will ebb and flow, ebb and flow...
  13. R

    I feel like the luckiest man alive right now. Should I be worried?

    Enjoy the sunshine. The storm is always right around the corner.
  14. R

    HB7.5 The Ideal Girlfriend?

    I've seen a documentary segment on this woman, she has a disorder called Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy syndrome which prevents her from gaining any body fat. She's frankly not much less appealing as a girlfriend than some pancaked, self-absorbed selfie wh0re.
  15. R

    HB7.5 The Ideal Girlfriend?

    The ideal isn't to stop being anxious. It's to accept that relationships are transient, women are capricious, and that even at your optimized self, women will still leave you to explore other options -- and should always be free to leave, as long as they are never free to return.
  16. R

    HB7.5 The Ideal Girlfriend?

    Each category less 1 number.
  17. R

    When a woman says “don’t touch me.”

    Hmmm I think it's like the old adage goes: if everyone you know is an a$$hole, you're the a$$hole. Two different women on dates reacted to him in the same way... The 36 year old possibly accepted the invitation to his place to avoid confrontation.
  18. R

    When a woman says “don’t touch me.”

    You gave absolutely no context so it's impossible to diagnose. What led up to this? What was the tone/context? I'll assume if one chick agreed to go back to your place after a date, you had a green light...? Her: You can't touch me. You: What makes you think I want to touch you? (with a...
  19. R

    Different Political Views w/ a Plate?

    Liberalism = compassion, emotion, unambitious, egalitarian --> feminine qualities Capitalism/conservatism = ambitious, logical, practical, unemotional, competitive --> masculine qualities The polarity between liberalism and conservatism is a clear analogy to feminine/masculine polarity. I am...
  20. R

    WTF is going on with the world and this non-binary crap??

    There have always been weak or fvcked up parents like this. There have always been parents who actively influence and brainwash their children to promote an agenda. Unfortunately, parents are always in a position of highest authority over their children and many parents exploit that. The reason...