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  1. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Good points everyone, thanks! It's a fact that I messed up by not capitalizing on the clear opportunity I was given, no doubt. I am just trying not to be bitter and take the lesson. Like some posters above, I also believe I might get another (last) chance at this, which is why I asked for...
  2. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Hello everyone! Yesterday night I went out on a first date with a girl I met from online dating. The chemistry was very good and after going to two bars back-to-back, we ended up back to her place together. Even though we made out a bit, I failed to escalate fully so we did not have sex. We...
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    Logistics of date no 2

    I like the interview analogy, good one!
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    Logistics of date no 2

    No worries mate, thanks. I agree that if she was very enthusiastic she would have texted already. I am thinking of waiting for a couple more days and might give this another shot to see if it can lead anywhere. If I don't, there will always be this 'what if' in my mind, so I prefer to err...
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    Logistics of date no 2

    Last time we hung out 30' subway ride away from my place, downtown. If she's down to meet again, I was thinking of arranging to have a drink to a bar conveniently located in my neighborhood, so that I can then pull from there. Since there was no escalation in the first date, I feel that asking...
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    Logistics of date no 2

    Solid advice in general, thanks! This time I could not pull to my place (see my message above), but good tactic in general.
  7. C

    Logistics of date no 2

    Thanks everyone for the responses. I was always confused about whether girls know it's their job to contact you or whether they wait for you to follow up. So far I have not contacted her to avoid being too available. Today will be the 3rd day since the date, FYI. If she doesn't reach out by...
  8. C

    Logistics of date no 2

    You are right, that's an important detail. In my particular situation, the date did not end with kissing (just a kiss on the cheek) because we were both on the subway and the girl had to get off 2 stops before me. But I could clearly tell it went well and that she's interested. Honestly if she...
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    Logistics of date no 2

    How do you guys go about the second date, assuming the first date went well and you are interested in a girl? I went out on a first date with this girl from Tinder and I think it went very well. Honestly if it weren't for the bad logistics that day, I believe I could have brought her back home...
  10. C

    Dating Lessons you've learnt the HARD way?

    Indeed. While I agree with this list and these are useful points, some of those signs do not look very subtle for me, but rather obvious I'd say.
  11. C

    If You're Not Good at Cold Approach After a Month, You Never Will Be

    I also wish you well. I might have sounded too harsh in my reply, but I believe your statement reflects a very limited mindset. There are infinite examples of people achieving extraordinary things (some of the much harder than developing/improving social skills) who started much much older than...
  12. C

    All my freinds are going soft

    I so much resonate with the OP's message! Even though my friends' behavior is not quite as cringy, most of them have either gotten engaged or into serious relationships/moved in with their girlfriends. Don't get me wrong, they are free to do what they want and I'm happy for them, but I'm in a...
  13. C

    If You're Not Good at Cold Approach After a Month, You Never Will Be

    I stopped reading at the point where you said you are unlikely to improve further as soon as you reach your twenties. Everyone ignore this guy he seems to be totally ignorant and/or blackpilled.
  14. C

    Corey Wayne....

    Funny how you mentioned that. Just today I stumbled across an AMS old video from 2018, in which he uses CW as an example of a coach whose opinion he'd respect, because he is successfuland has had a large following. I did not even know he later called him blue pill and stuff (as some of you said...
  15. C

    Corey Wayne....

    It's funny how I had checked out almost all popular dating coaches' stuff over the years, but did not know of Corey Wayne until recently. Maybe because I got into this self-improvement stuff after 2015. When I first watched one of his videos, I was like 'who's this beta male dude with the soft...
  16. C

    Old Plate Resurfaces But Is A Covid Risk!

    Jesus man, it's almost July 2021 and you are still obsessing over COVID....? Are you (fully) vaccinated yourself? If you are, the risk of severe illness/hospitalization for you is practically close to 0. The reports of vaccinated individuals testing positive that make the rounds lately refer to...
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    What is Happening with Men?

    Seeing these kind of couples makes me feel better about myself, simple as that.
  18. C

    Best RSD instructor ?

    I feel that all of them have taught me useful stuff when I was completely unaware of even the basics. Old school Julien is considered to be the best of the best by many.
  19. C

    Is Online Dating Kicking Your Azz Right Now?

    You are right, I did not think of that actually. I'm sure one of those whales would report me :p . But yeah the responses would be interesting! I think RSDMax said that he had added something similar back in the day, and worked in his favor, but who knows if it actually happened.