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  1. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    This is actually exactly the reason! Jake, don't worry man, I'm not catching feelings for this girl. We only interacted for 12 hours (that might have been enough when I was 20, but not now). But I do admit that failing to close hurt my ego a bit, and I want another chance. Plus I want to break...
  2. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    No, I was thinking along the lines of what Billtx49 wrote above, that 2 days would be too early/too eager. But who really knows..? And yes, you are right, I am trying not to beat myself down too much over this. Thanks!
  3. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Ain't that the million dollar question...? I think we all wish we could answer it in every one of these situations. What would be funny is if she's having the exact same discussion in some girl forum right now..
  4. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    That's pretty much the way I was thinking of going about it. When I first started this thread, I was thinking of texting her roughly a week after our last encounter. I like the idea of letting her wonder what I'm up to over the weekend. So I'll wait till Monday or so. Thanks for the actionable...
  5. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    I get exactly what you mean, but don't worry, I'm not catching feelings. Just wanted to see what people here think wrt how to go about the contact. And I also agree about the anticipation component, texting too early would kill that.
  6. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Nope, it's been 2 days since I left her place, and I have not heard anything from her.
  7. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    That's what I believe as well, thanks. I guess I'll wait a few days and then decide.
  8. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    You think so? I don't really mind texting her, it's not an ego thing, but many others on this thread seem to believe it's better for me to wait for her to reach out. So I'm still torn.
  9. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Thanks man. The upside is that she did seem high interest from the beginning. The downside though is that this one interaction might not have created such a strong investment on her part, and some other OLD dude she's talking to may get her attention. Whatever, let's see how things play out.
  10. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Then read it again, because that's not what I said either. What I said is more like 'I was on a dry spell despite being horny". And you may laugh about it as much as you want, that might actually force me to be avoid a similar outcome next time. I never ran away from the fact that this was an L.
  11. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    I'm afraid you are right about all these, especially the OLD angle of the whole thing. I'm sure she's already talking to other dudes from there. Nothing else I can do about it, other than take the lessons. Also thanks for the on-point actionable advice, much appreciated! Let's see if I'm lucky...
  12. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    I've been pretty clear about it. See my response to the other guy so that I don't write it twice.
  13. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Dude, you seem to have totally misread everything I've written on this thread. I've started it with the admission of having failed to escalate because I've been 'out of it' for many months. The fact that I've been focused on my career in the past year was mentioned as a reason why I've been on...
  14. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Yes, I don't really see what you find surprising about the things you listed. The work and lifestyle I've been leading in the past few months led to a certain level of momentum that allowed me to handle all the above situations you mentioned, with the exception of closing the deal, due to lack...
  15. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Thanks man! I admit it is frustrating to realize I messed up on this one, but I try not to dwell on this and use the momentum forward. Another cute girl I met through social circle has just texted me today, and I am at a very good stage in my life these days overall. I just need to re-gain my...
  16. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    Interesting perspective. I totally agree with all the comments saying that I should not have stayed if I didn't mean to go all the way to sex; the criticism is fair. I crossed the 'point of no return' , which now complicates things significantly. Btw, for anyone who might be wondering, the...
  17. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    You both have a point. As I said previously, I mainly blame myself for not handling this properly, so not looking for excuses. BUT, having said that, her behavior got me confused quite a bit. First, she made it super easy for me to go back to her place; I did not even need to seed the pull...
  18. C

    Spent the night with girl without having sex - best way to proceed

    For sure man, I am not going to waste another change! Only question now is what happens if a week or more passes by without her getting in touch with me. In that case I'm gonna have to choose between reaching out to her myself (even though this is not ideal) or just abandoning this option..