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  1. S

    Please don't say this to any chick !

    ..........maybe the guy is gay?
  2. S

    Dont be Scared Any Longer

    Re: Re: Dont be Scared Any Longer yes, I used to be just like that.......luckily I changed by applying techniqes taught here, and just workin the field.
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    get to know her build some raport, initiate kino, use techniqes emphasized in the dj bible.
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    When someone says he was 'juicin'?

    Juice = Steroids
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    What would you have said

    I like what you said. I woulda laughed and been llike "you wish"
  6. S

    IF you learn nothing else........

    I agree with you Casino. Good Post man!
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    muttleys sarging/approaching journal

    event2: hb7 indian girl walking opposite me in town. me: excuse me , can you tell me where HMV is? hb7: yeh its bla bla me: yeh bla bla , that way? hb7: yeh its blah blah me: ok thx seeya hb7: no probz bye -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    Rapport is a huge topic, probably the most important out of all the seduction phases. Read the Rapport section or (covo) section in the bible
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    How to make high school girls go CRAZY over you! - Part 1

    It wont work for you, because you wont LET it work for you.
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    You know what I need, videos of people macking.

    Agree..........I still havent seen fight club..i gotta rent that when i have time
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    How do I hide my boner

    LMAO.............dont wear b-ball shorts....wear jeans and tuck it under if a boner occurs
  12. S

    Guy spitting at your car!

    could it have been accidental? (running and spitting but you turned and got in his spits way?) If you are certain it was on purpose, hard to belive a random guy would do this....I would approach him about it.
  13. S

    Dating HB 9.5's

    Glycerine2 just got owned....................first Glycerine2 lol