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  1. Jor-El

    How do you escape a girl forcing you to change?

    Have a steak,whle celebrating your freedom :)
  2. Jor-El

    Girl deleted my profile after date.

    On the plus side,it was breakfast time,so at least the whole day wasnt wasted. looking for positives here :lol:
  3. Jor-El

    Excuses for "not interested"

    Blimey,some hardcore excuses there!
  4. Jor-El

    Excuses for "not interested"

    Just for fun and amusement,what are common "thanks but no thanks" responses/excuses from women when you pitch the date (when they are trying to be polite but really its game over!) Il start with "Il let you know"
  5. Jor-El

    Pull: What do you watch on Netflix? What do you do for Fun?

    Im with the other posters on here...why has not watching Netflix come back to bite you ? How ? What does it matter wether you have watched everything,some things,or nothing ? Turn off the TV,Pop on some Vangelis and get stuck in lad :cool:
  6. Jor-El

    Is it worth dating a very attractive woman?

    There is some truth in this,sometimes,when they are smokin hot,they think that they are so great they can just lie there and you should be happy,nay! grateful,just to have merely climbed on her
  7. Jor-El

    Hobbies as DHVs

    Spinning a yarn here surely
  8. Jor-El

    My interaction with a hot woman today/When does one REALLY miss their shot?

    Well. Sounds like you were a pawn in her game. You certainly didnt meet your queen on that occasion. Did you go home and bash the bishop ? :lol: sounds like a rook (ie) error to me. You should have stayed home that knight! Sounds like she has a chequered past
  9. Jor-El

    Let’s talk about S€X

    I must be very good in bed,like,top notch, because all the women say to me, “look, is there any way possible to make it last longer?” :lol:
  10. Jor-El

    Have any of you considered plastic surgery or had it done?

    I agree, but my point is still valid. It shouldnt stop you doing anything,because of what other people would say
  11. Jor-El

    Have any of you considered plastic surgery or had it done?

    Why would you care ? Do it for you. You dont have to justify or explain anything,to anyone. If you want to do it,go ahead,and be proud
  12. Jor-El

    Advice for an old man

    Given the difficulty of this quest, pull it off is likely how it will end :rofl:
  13. Jor-El

    Advice for an old man

    What shape are you in ? Are you fashionable ? Non creepy ? All these things and more will affect your "mission" If you are fat and bald and dress terribly its gonna be an uphill battle...this is the basic stuff of course
  14. Jor-El

    Should I shave off my hair

    The rule is when there is more bare scalp than hair...thats when its time to admit defeat. There comes a point when it looks silly
  15. Jor-El

    How can I level up my wardrobe and stay on top of it?

    Why would you want to do it this way..if somethings worth doing,go all in,do it to the best of your ability and budget,or why bother ?
  16. Jor-El

    what about "Nymphs"?

    The problem tho with a nymphomaniac is after a while,the nympho clears off and your left with the maniac
  17. Jor-El

    is BPD an absolute no-go zone?

    I did as well. Nearest iv got to a threesome :rofl:
  18. Jor-El

    Ltr breakup advice

    Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.
  19. Jor-El

    No dating apps, no dates, no exes, no hookups: what’s driving the ‘boy sober’ trend?

    This is a salient point. Its exactly the same reasoning why the "Weight Watchers" brand of food wont make you lose weight. If everyone lost weight,their sales would vanish,they have a vested interest in keeping you lardy,which is exactly what their crap food does..(to digress,they boast its low...
  20. Jor-El

    Why do you think Rupert Murdoch keeps marrying new wives?

    As long as there are rich men trying not to feel old, there will be young girls trying not to feel poor