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    "success" story and questions

    Was it one of those attention *****s?
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    "success" story and questions

    This day is a great day of the awkwardy history! I was in this library, looking for a place to study. Then she came in, must have been a 6-7 something. I really liked her looks. Since I had never thought I could get any person above a 3-4. So she looked a bookshelf and I come from her side...
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    I did it!!!!!!!!

    Way to go andyh. Are you doing good with the "skåne"-chicks? Hey, they are the best really, I love their accent, get me all turned on. How old are you anyway? 20? I'm 17.
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    The last week

    Can't wait with that Thanks for the warning, I know what you talk about from the experience of learning guitar, very the same. Perseverance! ------------------ "'Nobody is perfect' says the general rule 'There are always an exception to every rule, and I am the proof of that statement. In...
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    The last week

    Ok, last year I was a real major geak in the class. I didn't care for my body or my socializing a bit. My conficence had sunken through the floor down in the basement, and i was shy as hell, as I didn't dare to SPEAK to a girl. This year however I changed class. A week before the school started...
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    I did it!!!!!!!!

    Funny there are more ppl from sweden, where are you from? I'm from Norrköping.
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    I did it!!!!!!!!

    I was just thinking of a way to start a conversation with you, are you friendly??' Rejält bögigt.. ehm.. "Funderade på lite sätt och starta ett samtal med dig. Är du trevli?" Nja, fortfarande lite halvgay, "konversation" låter så tillgjort. "samtal" låter mesigt.
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    How To's (Back to School Edition)-Talking to girls, the first few days of school.

    Good post Man you really solved a problem for me here. I actually thought that there were something wrong with me when I had to start conversations with every person in the class. It never accurred to me that the other boys were shy. And that "So how was your summer???" line is awesome, at...