For High schoolers and College folks.
Also can be used on New/Transfer students.
So you wanna sit next to that pretty girl in the white shirt. Well go up to her and say any of the following.
"Hey howz it goin'"
"Mind if I sit next to you"
"Is this seat taken"
"Hey what's up, what's your name" (shake her hand)
A great way to start conversations with girls in your class the first week is to just ask
you: So how was your summer???
Her: Bla bla bla
you: Yeah I know, summer time goes so fast you know, it seems like, you know, the school year ends, you go to sleep, and here we are back in school again, you know (say that with some enthusiasm) *note* If your in HS talking like this, OH, the girls are gunna like you, cuz in HS, unless you got status or you're an athlete like I was, girls will think your cool by you just saying hi to them let alone holding an actual meaningful conversation cuz 85% of the guys are shy as hell
her: (laughs) yeah I know, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla
You: So what's your name, what state are you from, what grade are ya in, what dorm do you stay in, where do you live, how many hours are you taking (you know the basics)
Then after you get her name and all, you can be like
*note* In High School, you can get away with being basic, you know, cuz most of the guys are nervous, but in college, you can only keep it simple for so long cuz there's plenty of competition in college, especially those frat boys, athletes and upperclassmen that freshman girls, especially freshman girls go crazy over and for the most part, a lot of the girls are more intellectual, DON'T GET ME WRONG, THERE ARE PLENTY OF SLUTS IN COLLEGE.
(For college folks)
You: So how does it feel to be finally away from home/living on your own?
Her: Bla bla bla
You: Are your roomates cool....
Her: bla bla bla
You: yeah my roomates are cool also/or i can't stand my roomates, they're so dirty, (tell some funny stories about how their dirty or some funny disgusting $hit they do)
That's a great way to break the ice
I always use this canned opener when I'm talking to Sophomores and up in college.
If I'm talking to them and something about classes being hard comes up. I say something like
Me: What I learned is that you can't treat college like HS, cuz when I first got here, I thought I could just slack off, not study, come to class and get an A, I learned that you just can't do that in college, (at this point, she'll wanna add her 2 cents since girls can't be quiet for more than a minute)
(Me just continuing what I was saying)you gotta be serious and that's hard to do since we in college, we got like 20,000 students, no parents, no rules, $hit, I'ma have me some fun, you know, that's just me. I dunno about you but I'ma have a good time.
Her: bla bla bla bla bla bla
You (getting serious): But you just gotta know, theres like a time and place for everything, you need to set time to study and time to have fun, you gotta have a balance, you can't just study all the time or you can't just party all the time you know.
ANYWAY, I use canned openers like that, that are like memorized so I can avoid any silent moments but for the most part, just go with the flow but when you reach a dead point, use something memorized. Don't drag it on by asking stupid a$$ questions like "ummm, what's your favorite color" or some $hit like that (you know who you are)It also helps to be humorous, like throw in a joke here and there just to keep things interesting. Then you can just end it with a....
You: Well, I'ma head on out, I got a few errands to run (or I gotta be "somewhere" by 3:30,
You: Well I gotta go but I'll talk to ya later/see ya around.
You: Let me get your number so we can kick it sometime/Let me get your number so we can go steady, er, study, my bad.
don't just be like "well, ok bye". That $hit sounds so FUKKING GAY.
*For HS and College Students* When the teacher announces that there is a test or quiz, don't hesitate to ask her to meet up in the library to study with you. Think of how easy that is. Just be like "you busy later on"/"lets meet up in the library/apartment/dorm and study for this test/quiz"....Then when you meet her at the library, you don't necessarily have to spit game since you two are studying you can just be quiet for the most part and she'll still feel a certain connection towards you just for the fact that you two are spending time together be it just studying"
I'd say by the 3rd time you see her and you've established some rapport with her, say like on campus or in the hallway, give her a hug just to get some KINO in there
p.s. You don't have to talk like me, I talk with a country accent with slang, if it's not in you to talk like that, then you'll look a little foolish.
Another post on talking to girls in college by Tweeder
[This message has been edited by StuartScott (edited 08-20-2002).]
Also can be used on New/Transfer students.
So you wanna sit next to that pretty girl in the white shirt. Well go up to her and say any of the following.
"Hey howz it goin'"
"Mind if I sit next to you"
"Is this seat taken"
"Hey what's up, what's your name" (shake her hand)
A great way to start conversations with girls in your class the first week is to just ask
you: So how was your summer???
Her: Bla bla bla
you: Yeah I know, summer time goes so fast you know, it seems like, you know, the school year ends, you go to sleep, and here we are back in school again, you know (say that with some enthusiasm) *note* If your in HS talking like this, OH, the girls are gunna like you, cuz in HS, unless you got status or you're an athlete like I was, girls will think your cool by you just saying hi to them let alone holding an actual meaningful conversation cuz 85% of the guys are shy as hell
her: (laughs) yeah I know, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla
You: So what's your name, what state are you from, what grade are ya in, what dorm do you stay in, where do you live, how many hours are you taking (you know the basics)
Then after you get her name and all, you can be like
*note* In High School, you can get away with being basic, you know, cuz most of the guys are nervous, but in college, you can only keep it simple for so long cuz there's plenty of competition in college, especially those frat boys, athletes and upperclassmen that freshman girls, especially freshman girls go crazy over and for the most part, a lot of the girls are more intellectual, DON'T GET ME WRONG, THERE ARE PLENTY OF SLUTS IN COLLEGE.
(For college folks)
You: So how does it feel to be finally away from home/living on your own?
Her: Bla bla bla
You: Are your roomates cool....
Her: bla bla bla
You: yeah my roomates are cool also/or i can't stand my roomates, they're so dirty, (tell some funny stories about how their dirty or some funny disgusting $hit they do)
That's a great way to break the ice
I always use this canned opener when I'm talking to Sophomores and up in college.
If I'm talking to them and something about classes being hard comes up. I say something like
Me: What I learned is that you can't treat college like HS, cuz when I first got here, I thought I could just slack off, not study, come to class and get an A, I learned that you just can't do that in college, (at this point, she'll wanna add her 2 cents since girls can't be quiet for more than a minute)
(Me just continuing what I was saying)you gotta be serious and that's hard to do since we in college, we got like 20,000 students, no parents, no rules, $hit, I'ma have me some fun, you know, that's just me. I dunno about you but I'ma have a good time.
Her: bla bla bla bla bla bla
You (getting serious): But you just gotta know, theres like a time and place for everything, you need to set time to study and time to have fun, you gotta have a balance, you can't just study all the time or you can't just party all the time you know.
ANYWAY, I use canned openers like that, that are like memorized so I can avoid any silent moments but for the most part, just go with the flow but when you reach a dead point, use something memorized. Don't drag it on by asking stupid a$$ questions like "ummm, what's your favorite color" or some $hit like that (you know who you are)It also helps to be humorous, like throw in a joke here and there just to keep things interesting. Then you can just end it with a....
You: Well, I'ma head on out, I got a few errands to run (or I gotta be "somewhere" by 3:30,
You: Well I gotta go but I'll talk to ya later/see ya around.
You: Let me get your number so we can kick it sometime/Let me get your number so we can go steady, er, study, my bad.
don't just be like "well, ok bye". That $hit sounds so FUKKING GAY.
*For HS and College Students* When the teacher announces that there is a test or quiz, don't hesitate to ask her to meet up in the library to study with you. Think of how easy that is. Just be like "you busy later on"/"lets meet up in the library/apartment/dorm and study for this test/quiz"....Then when you meet her at the library, you don't necessarily have to spit game since you two are studying you can just be quiet for the most part and she'll still feel a certain connection towards you just for the fact that you two are spending time together be it just studying"
I'd say by the 3rd time you see her and you've established some rapport with her, say like on campus or in the hallway, give her a hug just to get some KINO in there
p.s. You don't have to talk like me, I talk with a country accent with slang, if it's not in you to talk like that, then you'll look a little foolish.
Another post on talking to girls in college by Tweeder
[This message has been edited by StuartScott (edited 08-20-2002).]