Search results

  1. E

    Movies/Music videos in the 80s that would never be created today

    Two live crew broke down a lot of doors in the industry a lot of glam bands owe them a debt of gratitude .
  2. E

    Have any of you considered plastic surgery or had it done?

    teeth whitening that about it.
  3. E

    Most guys should do what he does on first dates

  4. E

    Watching the olympics?

    haha and the us womens soccer team won gold to epic
  5. E

    Would you read it?

    Are you needed is this website to tell you the truth!
  6. E

    Watching the olympics?

    Are you their now?
  7. E

    Down south anyone want to link up

    Doing a WhatsApp group later on let me know if you're down south and want to link up?
  8. E

    Creativity is crushed out of you

    Are we surprised but what are we going to do about it?
  9. E

    Watching the olympics?

    Very interesting story lines and events to say the least.What are your thoughts?
  10. E

    My mother passed!!

    thank you sir i appreciate it feel free to dm me if you ever want to connect off of here:)
  11. E

    My mother passed!!

    wow wow how did you discover this site?
  12. E

    Men should stop chasing.

    well said
  13. E

    Go out and volunteer and lessen the amount of people in your life who are strangers

    awesome way to meet people in general depending on the situation.
  14. E

    The Concept Art behind the movie Aliens

    post some videos if possible.
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    My mother passed!!

    How old are you sir?
  16. E

    My mother passed!!

    Loving the support thanks!
  17. E

    Dr. Ruth has passed away

    she was a sniper fun fact!!
  18. E

    Embarrassing huge adds plastered over the forum.

    so true what is going on?
  19. E

    Going to be another brutal summer for much of the US it appears...

    hurricane season in full swing here in florida but you wont be sure about the season till after july:)