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  1. E

    Why Have So Many Well Known Pickup Artists Had Major Personal Issues?

    parenting accounts to about twenty five percent of it but that about it we all have promblems:)
  2. E

    Does Jordan Peterson have the right idea?

    I thought their was!!
  3. E

    Would this forum be considered a darknet forum?

    what good things can come of it?
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    Would this forum be considered a darknet forum?

    your reason for visiting the darknet in the first place was?
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    Has anyone done Sales?

    real estate sales is over rated .Being bilingual is a plus hope you crush it.
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    Would this forum be considered a darknet forum?

    what have you seen?
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    Did you discover this forum in college or highschool?

    I think it was in junior year for me very inspiring along with a workout forum.
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    Milli Vanilli story and the music artists of today.

    quick answer yes even before millie vinalli it was fake !!
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    humiliating yourself at social events

    take it from some one who went to an over crowded inner city school hang out with people who share your interest plain and simple you are who you hang with.
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    Would this forum be considered a darknet forum?

    What do you think would be the typical response to this forum ?I think most would consider it a darknet group your thoughts?
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    Kids the Film!!!

    that movie was filmed here in miami all those people are out now .
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    Kids the Film!!!

    Dont know any other film that epitomizes the 90s like this film right here anyone seen it?
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    How are my brothers in the carolinas holding up:)

    i was in elementary school when that storm hit trust me you dont want to go through that.
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    How are my brothers in the carolinas holding up:)

    We got hit with a CAT 5 hurricane in 92 here in miami and have had only one CAT 3 in the last decade very fortunate here in south florida for sure.
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    How are my brothers in the carolinas holding up:)

    That storm has claimed alot of lives how are you guys doing?
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    can this be a new contraceptive?
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    Whos is the godfather of the pickup community?

    I say ross jefferies.Some might say neil but he just made it more popular your thoughts?
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    Esquire article about men who are childless!

    true did you read the full article?