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  1. P

    Women are way hotter now than they were just 40 years and beyond

    I don't accept the premise that women are hotter now then 40 years ago. Using an example of one situation with one woman in 1945 is a problem. One, was 76 years ago, not 40,...and Two, was just one woman in one situation. 40 years ago I was 18 and chasing whatever walked. Very few...
  2. P

    Help a brother out, confused

    They don't even have the recognize you as married at all. I know of a guy who lost millions when he just simply broke up with his GF. They both owned their own homes and never "officially" even lived together. He got stuck with a settlement, then ongoing maintenance for a period of time, and...
  3. P

    The "Red Pill" really signifies gender dysphoria

    Being BS'ed here. Back when the Matrix came out,... "trans" was unheard of and the gays didn't dominate things like they do today, was 22 years ago. Back then you were either straight, gay, or bi,...and that was it. That was the 3 choices you had. The movie had no connection in any way...
  4. P

    Help a brother out, confused

    I know of a male divorce attorney who is also "Red Pilled" who will shoot that down. If you and her have been "playing house" the Family Courts can do whatever they want. Although much less so if there are no kids. This lawyer faces it every day defending guys in court.
  5. P

    Help a brother out, confused

    Who cares if she lives at home with her parents?! It isn't the same as a guy doing it. If she is at home with her parents she will probably stay out of more trouble in one form or another due to at least a certain amount of accountability to her parents. There is no practical reason for her to...
  6. P

    Forum content just getting worse

  7. P

    Forum content just getting worse

    There's a book list?
  8. P

    Rollo Tomassi EMBARRASINGLY Loses Debate to Lauren Southern

    She was not recently banned. It was a long time ago. She has been off the grid for a long time. Southern BTW, is a very skilled debater. She did a debate with another guy who is also known as a highly skilled debater. Both of them are on the same side with most issues, but as a planned...
  9. P

    Rollo Tomassi EMBARRASINGLY Loses Debate to Lauren Southern

    Fresh and Fit got busted for telling women that if she slept with one of them they would put her on the show. Even Rollo says they screwed up. Myron hasn't been on the Rule Zero podcast since then as far as I can tell.
  10. P

    Forum content just getting worse

    St Louis isn't too bad, but you still need to focus on the "burbs" just outside the St Louis County border. The city center? Forget it.
  11. P

    Forum content just getting worse

    I think it is getting more hostile. Before, even if things got a little tense, most had the attitude that yesterday was yesterday and today is a new day. The guy you argued with yesterday, find yourself standing with him today. I spent time on here almost as relief from spending a few...
  12. P

    Forum content just getting worse

    It would have to be a city of less than 100,000 population, otherwise most are just like Toronto.
  13. P

    So wtf happened this time

    Yea, both those two are great examples. Bezos's ex wife became the world's richest woman by divorcing him. I've met Gates. Large group event, not 1-on-1. I've sat in conference rooms with development teams all day haggling over stuff with Gate's office on the floor above us. I've walked the...
  14. P

    So wtf happened this time

    Yep, yep. Ditto.
  15. P

    So wtf happened this time

    Maybe my fragile memory is failing me again, knows us "old guys",...but wasn't you the one a month or so ago making the long post about how you were leaving the forum forever because you were mistreated and none of the advice worked? Maybe not, old guys,...we forget things. But if...
  16. P

    So wtf happened this time

    So I don't always memorize who the OP was in every thread 3-4 pages later in the conversation. We've all been through this same conversation with you over and over in the past (I DO remember that),...and you still aren't improving any from what you were complaining about back then. You still...
  17. P

    So wtf happened this time

    Well we certainly aren't the 2%. The 2% wouldn't be caught dead here. They have no reason to be here and wouldn't even be interested. You'd be lucky to meet one of those guys face to face in your life, let alone ever get to know one of them,...they don't live in the same world. So, yea...
  18. P

    So wtf happened this time

    Not everyone is a "Pump & Dump" hedonists. Most people are not. She is one that is not, while the OP appears by his own description to be one who is. His choice, I'm not complaining about it. She was trying to figure him out and figure out what he meant by the words he was using. She figured...
  19. P

    Are toxic men the product of women mistreating guys in general

    You're right. I do not think it will get fixed. But I am just saying that if it were to get fixed it would have to be up to the men "being men" and countering it. But, you are right, will never happen. Western society is headed for a big collapse (in multiple ways), isn't going to...
  20. P

    So wtf happened this time

    She was smart to ask "What does FWB mean to you?" That tells me she is street savy. She knows that FWB is a "zero",...that it is not even up to the level of Casual Non-Exclusive Dating,...that she would basically be just a prostitute that was just "free" as opposed to one you'd have to pay...