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  1. E

    90 day no fap journal.

    No obviously its encouraged, it just helps if you can get it.
  2. E

    F closed my ex

    Eh? he had sex with her, the only thing he lost was sperm. he had some sex and can go NC again. Quite a few threads recently along the line of "im getting too much action and interest from girls and I don't like it" like seriously what? Send her my way for the sex next time if you...
  3. E

    1 point about social media

    That was 1 point I forgot to mention, how you use it is key. I rarely post status updates and make sure to publicly post sparingly and make sure anyting I do post is intereting and in some way DHV. Other than that I use it for free communication and organising things And fapping over hot...
  4. E

    1 point about social media

    I've seen a few threads recently about facebook and twitter and how they are beta and how girls can check you up on them (which they have to first be interested enough to do so anyway). And during my time on here theyre have been the odd thread about them where people say not to use them etc...
  5. E

    Are the white knights the main reason for why womens games and inflated egos

    Surely DNA and evolution is the cause. Throughout nature males are the pursuers and females are the chooses. Which is unfair but thats just the way it is. Girls know they hold the sexual high ground and every guy wants to fvck them. People on here say this is increased by the internet and...
  6. E

    made out with female friend

    Hell I wouldn't have a problem with a girl throwing herself at me.
  7. E

    90 day no fap journal.

    Day 12 no fap/no porn. fatal jay, Day 36, is that also no porn and have you had sex in that period? If not that is impressive.
  8. E

    90 day no fap journal.

    In day 9 of no fapping and no porn. Thats gone quick
  9. E

    What are you looking for?

    I'm single, I want to get a girlfriend who is a nice person to know. In 5 years time I see myself in the same situation.
  10. E

    Can´t stand women

    Occasionally I et the same way, but you know what - its exhausting.
  11. E

    Texting? Calling? Come on guys...

    What about smoke signals? would that be considered to be AFC or as standing out from the rest? Am I overthinking this too much?
  12. E

    How do you handle a girl acting AFC towards you??

    Send her my way. sh1t I wish I had your problems